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We were listening to an air bender story an old man was telling. After he was collecting money but we hadn't had any and he called us cheapskates Aang went to talk to him.

We were travelling to the northern air temple and Aang told us that the championship Air bison polo were held here. Then the temple was insight and it looked beautiful. We saw people flying I heard Katara say that there are air benders, but they fly different. Then Aang said that those people are no air benders.

One of them came flying over us, Aang saw it as a competition and began to fly to and we landed on the air temple grounds. Aang and the other kid landed and he came to us. He was so excited about Aang being an air bender and the Avatar. Sokka said that he found the gliders cool and the kid took us inside so we could see the other things his father made.

The inside of the temple looked terrible, pipes everywhere. I think this must be a shock to Aang. 'This is unbelievable' Aang said 'Yeah its great isn't it' the kid said 'No just unbelievable' Aang said and he walked off. 'I think it looks terrible' I said and walked to Aang. I heard Katara say something to the kid but didn't pay attention to it. Aang was looking at everything and how it changed. 'I think some parts of the temple are still the same' Katara tried to reassure Aang but I think nothing is the same and that they've been everywhere.

We went outside and found a place that was untouched but then a wrecking ball destroyed it. Aang was really mad now and I couldn't blame him. The temples are the last thing he has from the air benders and now they are taking that away. He flipped and threw the wrecking ball of the mountain. The man started to talk about how he got there and what happened.

Katara and Sokka found it an emotional story, only Aang and I looked like we didn't care. The man said he had to get on with his work and the kid showed us further around. And a place that was untouched because only an air bender could open the doors. The kid wanted to look inside but Aang refused to open the doors so it could stay the way it was.

We were outside and Katara stood ready to fly with a glider at first she didn't want to but then took off. I decided to stay on the ground Aang came back and said he wanted to show what's inside the room. When the doors opened and we walked inside, it wasn't untouched even worse there were Fire Nation weapons everywhere.

I was walking around the place till Aang came and said he had to tell us something. The Fire Nation was coming. Sokka helped with a plan and we had bombs.

The Fire Nation was coming and the gliders got ready to go and attack them from the air. Seeing as I prefer to be on land I helped Katara and Momo to give the gliders the bombs. But then hooks with a chain attached came out of the cloud and we had to fly away. Then these machine came up the mountain.

Aang tried to flip the machines over but they just turned and continued their way to the temple. Teo thought of a way to stop them. It had something to do with water so Teo brought Katara down and I stayed on Appa. She froze the snow around the machines and it worked they couldn't move anymore. But there were too many of them and I got down to help them get away. Now we have to hope for Sokka's war balloon. And then there it was the Fire Nation didn't attack because of the Fire Nation logo on the balloon. Then there was a huge explosion and the Fire Nation retreated.

Aang told everyone that he was glad that they lived here and protected the place.

We said our goodbyes and continued our journey to the North Pole. I wondered how the people there lived and if it really was more like a city than our little tribe all the way to the south. I wondered how my mother used to live her life there.

I know I can't tell anyone who my mother is because I'm sure they know what she did and maybe they even want me to pay for it. 'Sokka, Katara if we make it to the North Pole you can't tell anyone who I am. Don't know if they will take it well.' I asked them.

'Do you think they know what she did?' Sokka asked me. 'I'm sure they do. Gran-gran told me that they were looking for her after she disappeared.' I explained 'Don't worry we won't tell them' Katara reassured me. 'Why can't they know? I mean your family lives there.' Aang asked confused. 'I will explain it to someday, okay? But just don't mention anything, please' I asked Aang. 'Okay that's fine' Aang said and I smiled at him.


Thank you for reading my story.

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- xo Calypso-Nox.

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