Annoying things that teachers do

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1) Math teachers (or teachers in general) who lean over your desk during an exam or test and just stare at you. Calculus is hard enough without you staring at me and sighing every few minutes.

2) Math teachers that tell you that math is the most useful subject. Yeah, it probably would be useful if I were to become an architect or a math teacher but I don't really have to solve a quadratic equation in real life to survive, do I? 

3) Teachers that try to be cool by causing an argument to break out between the One Direction fans and Justin Beiber fans (why do you want to deafen me before I turn 18?) .

4) Teachers with terrible cursive writing so that whenever you look at it, it just looks like a bunch of gibberish. Then later, they yell at you for not understanding their "perfect cursive" handwriting. Yeah, I'm sorry that I didn't know that that sentence translated to "Please refrain from using correction tape."

5) Teachers who have their back facing you and speak in a monotonous tone, as though they are sick of teaching you. How do they expect you to pay attention if they are literally making you fall asleep? We know when you are sick and tired of teaching us. Trust me, we hate being in this hellhole as much as you do but let's try to make the best out of it, ok? 

6) Pregnant teachers who won't quit complaining. "Instead of resting at home, I'm stuck here with all of you." 

7) Teachers that yell at the entire class when only one person is making a ruckus. "How many times have I told you all not to do the cup song in class?"

8) Teachers that spend half an hour lecturing the class on their behaviour and then complaining when their lesson is almost over. "It's all your fault! I've wasted most of my lesson!" This happens to me so often that I've gotten used to it. I'm sorry ma'am but you're going to have to learn better time management skills.

9) Physical education teachers who don't care if you are sick. "Stop making excuses and give me ten laps around the track followed by *insert unreasonable number* of push-ups. Oh yes. Because it makes perfect sense to run with mucus constantly dripping out of your nose.

10) Teachers who give you abnormally low grades (that you don't deserve) and think that that would better prepare you for your next year of education. "It's better that you learn from your mistakes now." Yeah, I don't think I appreciate you ruining my straight "A" report card with a "C". I understand that they're trying to prepare us for college but can't they do it another way? You know, a way in which I won't keep on failing the class?

11) Teachers who want you to read your entire literature book in an hour. I have nothing to say to you.

12) Teachers who don't teach you something that comes out on the test. They always insist that somehow, the whole class wasn't paying attention.

13) Teachers that make you look like an idiot in front of the whole class. "Don't worry dear, we're all learners here. Take your time, we'll wait for you." I'm sorry that I'm so slow, ok? Are you happy now? *Sobs*

14) Teachers who are unreasonably strict. "I have every right to deduct 20 marks from your paper because you forgot to leave a line for one question." (I swear that this actually happened to me). Are you f*cking kidding me? Who the hell penalizes their student for not leaving a line.

15) Teachers who hate you for no apparent reason.

"Sir, can you help me-"

"No. Do it by yourself."

*Random girl comes along*

"Can you help me with question 5 please?"

"Sure! Tell you what, I'll even do the whole page for you!"

Thanks for making me hate physics.

16) Teachers who give you an inane amount of homework to do in one day. "I want pages 27-56 done by tomorrow." Oh well, looks like I have to stay up till 2a.m again...

17) Teachers who say you are ruined because you got a "B" on one test. Thanks for being oh so encouraging.

18) Teachers who forget to collect homework that they gave. Come on! I spent two hours on that History assignment! 

I once spent five hours trying to finish an analysis of six poems because our teacher said that it was graded and that if we didn't do it by the next day, we would all fail. But guess what? She extended the deadline by another two more weeks because nobody did it. I was just sitting there, trying to control my rage.

19) Home economics teachers that yell at you because you cut something the wrong way. "No! It's supposed to be cut horizontally, not diagonally!"

20) Teachers who tell lame jokes and expect you to laugh. "What happens when X meets Y? No one knows? Well, they become XtremelY happy! Get it?" 

21) Teachers who complain about their husbands. "You see, John left the TV on last night and our daughter..." I would rather you teach us than drone on about how stupid your husband is. After all, "What has my husband done wrong last night?" won't be a question on the test, right?

22) Art teachers who expect you to paint perfectly. "No! You've got it all wrong! Look! Now you have a gigantic blob of paint! How are you ever going to paint like Claude Monet?" 20 hours of hard work went down the drain just like that.

23) Art teachers who try to make art sound interesting. "You know what? Art is the best subject in the world! It's the only subject I loved when I was a child."

24) Teachers who think that all teenagers are punks. "All of you with your fancy IPhone's and gadgets! Why don't any of you read...?"

25) Old teachers that say, "Now back in my day..."

26) Teachers that came from the same school that you are studying in and tell you all about their friends for an entire lesson. "Charmaine and I used to sit on the swing right there and..."

27) Biology teachers that show you a disturbing video about the effects of anthrax on the human body to inform you about biological warfare. I think I need a shrink now. *Shudders*

28) Teachers that glare at the entire class (yeah, I believe "if looks could kill") every single lesson. We can feel the love.

29) Teachers who make you late for recess and lunch. We need to eat too, you know? 

30) Teachers who think that they're always right.

You can point out to the teacher with evidence that the answer that he/she gave is wrong and they just glare at you (or maybe not) and say, "No, my answer is correct. I don't care what *insert credible website name/ textbook* states."

I think I speak for everyone here when I say that this pisses me off to no extent. This could have been your final test or something. You look at your paper and then you realise you miss the next grade by one mark and you are just so pissed that you actually feel like smacking someone. Then you notice that the teacher marked that question you know you got right wrong for no reason and when she refuses to change her mind, you just pray that you'll be able to contain the imminent rage that is residing within you *remembers not getting an A for a math test because of that one question*.

Question of the day: Which teacher in your school has annoyed you the most?

I hope you guys like this list I made. Please leave a comment if you want me to include any rants in here. It would mean the world to me if you voted for this book. :)

<3 Jally

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