"DAMN IT MOM JUST GET RID OF THEM" Lily yelled, before rushing out of the room towards the pool house. Gemma and Lily's Mom glanced at eachother, this was the first time Lily had ever raised her voice to her Mom she was always so patient and gentle.


Ryan was surprised to see Lily's Mom waiting for them on the drive when they pulled up "Everything okay Violet" Lily's Dad asked.

"Yeah I just need to have a word with Ryan alone" Violet replied. Ryan's heart sank he assumed she must have know about him spending the night in her daughter's bed.

"Is everything okay Mrs Grainger?" Ryan worried.

"Not really" Violet started "While you were out Lily got some flowers delivered..." Ryan knew instantly where this was heading "And she was scared Ryan, now I've never seen Lily scared of anything" Ryan wasn't sure what to say, he knew it wasn't really his place no matter what had happened between him and Lily the previous night.

"I'm not an idiot, I know you know something. Just like I know it was a waste of time me making up two beds" Ryan paused "Please Ryan she is my daughter I need to know what's going on, it's something serious isn't it"


"Oh wow you all look so beautiful" Violet clapped with Glee as she saw Lily and the rest of Gemma's bridesmaids all lined up in their midnight blue floor length dresses "Ryan will be blown away" she whispered in Lily's ear "Is Gemma ready?"

"Yeah she was waiting for you to get back, wait a second I'll grab my camera" Lily picked up her camera and pointed it towards the door "Okay" the room gasped in awe as Gemma walked in.

"Oh sweetie" Violet could hardly speak she was fighting her emotions, Lily's Dad also had a lump in his throat.

"You look gorgeous Gem" Lily smiled as she continued to snap pictures of them all.


"Don't think you've got away with not talking to me about those flowers Lily" Violet frowned as she and her daughter waited outside the church for Gemma to arrive with her Dad "I spoke to Ryan"

"You what?!" Lily was furious "What did he tell you?"

"Enough, don't be angry with him Lily I didn't give him a choice" Violet exhaled "Why didn't you tell me about Blake? I could have helped. You could have come home for a while until it all died down"

"That's exactly why I didn't tell you, Mom I can't just run back home when things get abit tough" Lily looked at her Mom.

"Oh baby having a stalker is not like missing rent, you were in danger" Violet frowned.

"Yeah I was, but it's all sorted now" Lily wasn't very convincing.

"Okay if your sure but promise me if anything else happens you won't keep it a secret from us?"

"I promise" Lily smiled weakly "So what else did Ryan tell you?"

"Oh please I am your mother, Ryan didn't need to tell me anything. I knew I didn't need to make two beds when I saw the way you two were at dinner" Violet smirked playfully at her daughter "He's a great guy Lily I'm happy for you both"

"Thanks Mom, it's still very new though so please don't get your hopes up" Lily looked out and saw the car arriving "They're here" Violet watched as Lily skipped towards the car, hitching up her dress and holding her flowers.


The music started up and the doors opened, all eyes were on Gemma and her Dad as she walked down the aisle. Ryan's eyes however were fixed on Lily, he was blown away by how beautiful she looked.

The ceremony wasn't very long, but that's how Gemma and her new husband Dave wanted it. Lily had taken pictures throughout the ceremony and afterwards, Ryan had found himself making small talk with Lily's family. Her Gran seemed to be very taken with him...

"Is that Ryan Tedder?" One of Lily's cousins whispered from behind Gemma "God he's even more gorgeous in real life" the four girls gushed over him as they watched him from a distance. Gemma frowned as she overheard them discussing him.

"I heard he was single" Another girl spoke up "Not for long after tonight though, I'm going to speak to him"

"You're wasting your time" Gemma finally interrupted "He's already spoken for" she nodded towards Lily, who had just handed him a drink. The girls watched jealously as Ryan looped an arm around Lily's waist and kissed her temple.


"Sorry I haven't been able to spend time with you much" Lily apologised for her absence "Are you having a good time"

"Yeah, you're family have been great" Ryan smiled "You're Grandma is awesome"

"Yeah she is" Lily sipped some champagne from her glass "Hmm I never did get the hype with this stuff, do you want a beer?"

"Yeah okay" Ryan followed her to the bar "You look gorgeous by the way"

"Thanks, so do you. I'm not the only one who's noticed either" Lily draws Ryan's attention to her cousins.

"Yeah well there's only one woman here tonight I am interested in" Ryan smiles, before gently pulling Lily close to him and kissing her in full view of all her family...

Captured EffortlesslyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin