small note from a small bean

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hello it's sam here! maybe you know that i am transgender!

so today i had my first day of school at a brand new school (dooonttt worrryyyy it won't stop me from writing at all)

and i decided that i was going to be a boy at this school. that required me to be vv open and confident and comfortable and i had to tell the teachers before class started that i went by this name

let me tell u
that was tough and scary! i still have to tell two of my teachers and that is terrifying.

but, if i just ignore the dumb looks from dumb people from my old school, i'm very happy about this decision.

sorry it's just something. idk. wanted to tell you all. (:

also if you're ever struggling with coming out or gender or sexuality or anything at all (it doesn't even have to include those!) please don't hesitate to leave a comment or message me or anything!!!! i promise i'll listen and do my best to help!

<3 thanks so much for reading, i love u !!!

also i didn't leave you just a note there's an update wowza!

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