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I sat with my back against the wall of a shaky building. Garbage and dirt layered the ground like snow in the winter. I looked away when I saw a few bugs crawling towards me. They didn't bother me anymore. That's good maybe, it would be a lot harder if I was squealing and running every time a beetle did a drive by as I was trying to sleep.

I should've chosen a better place to spend the night. This one was downright gross and quite out in the open. With the curfew set early, I was more at risk of being caught outside past it. The new bloody king and his posh family had changed the city immensely. For better or for worse, you choose. I don't care, honestly. I hardly count as a citizen.

This situation was so familiar. Every few nights I'd have to get up and move camp. Usually people would complain about a street rat hanging around. And so, the cycle would start again. By now I was a little used to it.

Most days, I don't do much. Most days, I wonder why I am even still living. My life has become a chore to live. An agonizing, horrible chore. Yet I am still here, scraping by. For what? I'm still unsure.

A soft noise was heard and I pulled my knees to my chest, peaking around. My eyes fell onto a brown dog, sniffing around and grunting every few moments. A small smile played on my lips. I carefully reached out my hand and let it smell it. It's nose was cold and wet, but it was a comforting feeling. I pulled my hand back and patted beside me.

The dog sat down and I began to pat it.

"Anna..." I mumbled, staring at it, "Anna suits you, pup."

When I got to petting down Anna's front legs, she growled and backed up. I nodded.

"Not there?" I asked, knowing she wouldn't reply. I point to my thighs, "Not there for me."

Talking was something I didn't get around to doing much. My voice was rusty and some words were hard to get out of my mouth even though they flowed through my head smoothly. The sound sh was quite difficult. I sort of expected it though because it's been years since I've had a conversation with anyone really.

And so I talked to Anna. I told her made up stories, I told her true stories, I told her about myself. I talked until my eyes felt droopy and yawns interrupted my speech often. She listened as I rubbed behind her ears. She listened until I stopped and closed my eyes.

For once, falling asleep was peaceful.

That peace, however, didn't last long. I woke up to people shouting. My eyes flew open and a was quick to my feet.

"You're scum! You hear me?" An older man shouted at me, "Trash! And I don't want you sleeping here ever again! Got it?"

I looked down and whistled to Anna who was laying down watching the scene with diligent eyes. She stood and followed by my side as we ran from the furious man.

Once we were a fair distance away, we stopped. I panted lightly and bent over, catching my breath.

"What a crazy man," I mumbled under my breath.

cool thanks for reading!
vikk will be in the next chapter

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