Out of the Dark

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

The ride up to Vermont seemed to be taking much longer than it should, and it was, actually. Optimus has been sitting in traffic for the past hour and a half--no lie--and I was just so ready to hop out of his cabin and walk the rest of the way. We had about two hours left until we were supposed to reach my grandparents' house, but with my excitement I could probably make in less than an hour. Optimus would never let me do you that though. Even when he's not being overprotective he's being overprotective. It was just an endless cycle.

One of the real reasons that this ride seemed to be taking so long was probably because I was just so ready to see my dad again. It's been four months since I last saw him "alive," and I really just couldn't wait to see him again. Most of the pain that I've been feeling for these past four months has subsided because of this information. Don't get me wrong, I miss my brother, sister, and my mom more than anything in the world, and I would continue to miss them, but I just found out my dad was alive after I spent four long months thinking he was dead. It was kind of hard not to be happy about it. Plus, I wasn't alone anymore. I might have just had one family member left, but I felt that was better than none.

"If we don't start moving in five seconds I'm getting out and walking the rest of the way," I exclaimed as I placed my head against Optimus's cold window.

"I believe I may join you. This is rather annoying," he responded. His words confused me at first. It took me about ten seconds to finally get the joke. He was an Autobot, which meant he could just transform and literally walk all over the hundreds of vehicles sitting in front of him. I had to laugh at it.

"You're funny."

He only chuckled in response, and in seconds I could finally feel us start to move. I was too relieved to even say anything. Instead, I just plopped back into the seat. Odds were that I would probably spend the remaining two hours sleeping, dreaming of finally seeing my dad for the first time in four months.

I just wondered what it would be like when I finally saw him; I wondered about just how much of our old life we could live with this Decepticon threat still lurking about. Would he and I be able to do the things we used to do? Would we go to Burger King or some random fast food establishment and just eat the entire menu, or would he be too skeptical to even wanna go out in public? The Decepticons are probably the reason why he's been locked in his parents' house for this long anyway. They thought he was dead, and I was sure he wanted to keep it that way. I just couldn't help but wonder how they didn't catch him those couple months ago when he was stalking the hell out of me. I still can't believe he never even thought to tell me that he was alive. He could have easily knocked on my hotel room doors or came to find me in an alley to tell me he was alive; we could have went to Vermont together! But, when I think about that happening then I realize that I wouldn't have met Optimus--the one who truly keeps me from falling apart, even now that I know my dad's alive.

My eyes flickered open as I felt myself being shaken. I met the bright blue eyes of Optimus's holoform, and almost automatically a smile crept onto my face.

"Hello," I greeted him as I rubbed my tired eyes. I don't even remember falling asleep.

"Good morning," he chuckled. "We've arrived at your grandparents' house."

I perked up almost immediately and sat up. Looking out Optimus's window only proved him to be right.

Just looking at the small two-story house in front of me was enough to make me happy. not to mention the amount of memories it brought back. I remember spending almost every summer up here when I was a kid. It was never too hot, but it was never too cold, so it was the perfect vacation spot for the summer. I just couldn't believe this is the first time I've been here since I was eleven. It was so different, yet it was still the same. The burgundy-colored front door was still present, but it was just a bit brighter than it used to be. I could only assume that my grandfather had touched it up a bit. The two, matching burgundy-colored furniture still sat on their over-sized porch as well. The only major changes that I could really point out was the new garage door, the brand new windows, and porch. It didn't really matter to me though. It still held that sense of home; I could feel it from here.

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