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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

In all honesty, I had no entire clue where Optimus and I were headed at the moment. I knew we were headed to eat, or that we were supposed to be, but we had been driving for at least four hours at the most. It was getting darker and darker as he continued driving. The only thing that I had to inform me of the time was the bright blue numbers on the dashboard of the semi, those of which read 8:10 PM.

Aside from that, my senses had calmed down quite a bit. I could only guess that this journey had put quite a distance between me and my pursuer. If I didn't know any better, I would say that Optimus was distancing us from Dallas on purpose. He had spent the past two hours solely concentrated on driving. He was on red alert, almost as if he were waiting on some sort of danger to make its presence known.

Given this situation, the ride was silent and I grew terribly weary because of it. Nobody understood just how bad I grew to despise the silence. It consumed me and brought me into my own realm of pain that I tried so desperately to escape time after time. This time I was fortunate though. Had it not been for the overwhelming amount of peace and comfort that I could feel radiating off of Optimus, I probably would have lost it. It still didn't change my hatred towards silence though, so I decided that now was a better time than any to say something.

"Optimus, where are we going?" I asked him. In the distance I could see the many lights emitting from skyscrapers and other big buildings. We were nearing a city, a big city, only I didn't know which one it happened to be.

"We're heading to San Antonio, Texas, I believe," he answered me.


He shot me a sideways glance. "I can't very well protect you and keep you within the same vicinity as the ones pursuing you. It's out of my character, Brenna."

And Brenna Morgan is right yet again. .

"Well, are we still going to eat?" I asked him. Four hours on the road had given my body the perfect opportunity to digest the hamburger and fries I had consumed earlier. It had done an impeccable job of making me hungry again.

"Of course, young one. Do you have anywhere in mind?" I sort of gave him a dumb look. It didn't take but one glance at my face before he began chuckling. It must've slipped his mind that I had been running for three months; I was paying more attention to keeping myself safe than the many dining areas around me.

"I'm kind of stuck when it comes to issues such as fine dining, Optimus."

"My apologies, Brenna." He paused for a moment, his face etched in deep concentration. Seconds later, he perked back up and looked at me, a warm smile on his face. "There is an establishment in San Antonio called Bohanon's, I believe. It serves seafood and steak," he told me.

I raised a brow at his almost instantaneous knowledge. "How do you know that?"

He shifted in his seat a little before looking back at me. He seemed slightly uncomfortable about something. "I'm a truck driver, Brenna. I travel everywhere."

That particualr detail seemed to have slipped my mind. "Oh, right. I forgot about that."

He only chuckled, and before long the city lights were shining brightly outside of my window. I knew that San Antonio was a big city, but in person it seemed to be much bigger. There were so many people bustling around, and not to mention the abundant amount of cars and trucks. I felt that my only reason for even admiring the city was because I wasn't being brought here on a smelly ass bus with a bunch of loud, ignorant beings aboard. Instead, I was now being accompanied by a very wonderful truck driver; my parents would have definitely objected to this, but I couldn't take the feeling of being alone any longer, and either way, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. .I could sense it.

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