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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Spending six hours on a smelly, crowded bus was not fun, but after three months, you get used to everything life has to throw at you. I know I have.

The bus came to a stop in front of a Pilot truck stop, so I decided that now was a better time than ever to get off. This was definitely no place for me to hide, but I actually hadn't had a bite to eat in three days and I was starving. I grabbed my bag from the compartment above and threw it over my shoulder before quickly stepping off the bus. Dozens of semis and other various vehicles lined the pumps of the station and I carefully made my way passed them, finishing the journey towards the building entrance. I pulled the door open, an assortment of delicious smells flooding into my nose.

Considering the vast amounts of resturants inside the building, it was hard to choose what I wanted to eat at first, but once I spotted the Burger King they had at the opposite end of the enormous store, I strolled over, a small smile on my face. The cashier studied my face as I approached the counter, an unreadable expression crossing her features, only to quickly be replaced with a friendly smile.

"Thank you for choosing Burger King. How can I help you?" she greeted me politely. I just smiled and pulled out my wallet before taking a twenty dollar bill out and laying it on the counter.

"I'll just take a double cheeseburger, a thing of fries, and do you guys sell bottles of water?" I asked her. If I was going to be running again, I needed to be hydrated and soda definitely wasn't going to cut it for me. It had been about four months since I've had a drop of soda in my system and I wasn't going to cave now.

"Yes, we do, actually. Is that what you would like?" she asked me sweetly. I narrowed my eyes at her. I could already feel the bad vibe radiating off of her and I didn't like it.

"Um, yeah. If it isn't a bother."

She quickly reached behind her and pulled open a small cooler. She grabbed a small Dasani water bottle and laid it down on the counter in front of me. I snatched it off the counter and stuck it into the side pocket of my duffle bag before turning back to the young worker.

"That'll be eight dollars and forty-one cents," she told me. I just pushed the twenty closer to her and she happily took it, punching in the amount on the computer. She handed me my change and I shoved it back into my wallet.

"Thank you," I said to her as I made a move to turn around. She called me back though and I rolled my eyes before turning back around, a fake smile now present on my face. "Yes?"

"I didn't get your name. Can't get you your food without a name," she chuckled dryly. I was seemingly unsure about this girl, but instead of allowing this to become a major issue, I answered her.

"Bree Morgan."

Without another word from either of us, I spun around and walked over to sit at the table in the corner of the building. After about seven minutes of sitting, there was a tray of food being laid down in front of me. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at the girl standing by my table. If I remember correctly, I gave her my name so I could get my food myself.

"I'm sorry. I thought I was supposed to get my own food?" I spoke, my tone a mix of curiousness and skepticism.

She gave me a small smile.

"Um, yeah. I just didn't want to make you walk. You looked pretty tired as it was. That's all. Enjoy your food," she responded before quickly walking away.

I only scoffed and began eating my food. After not eating for a few days, I probably should have went with something a little bit more healthier than fast food, but I couldn't help myself. Ever since I was little girl, I had always had a certain weakness for Burger King or anything that was fast food, really. Whenever my dad was home, the both of us and my brother would go out to some random fast food franchise almost every night. In all honesty, I was surprised I hadn't gained about three hundred pounds within the last couple of years; I guess I just had a fantastic metabolism, and with the way things were looking, it would probably remain that way.

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