Georgie Porgie and Sighin' Ryan

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Prompt 9: Write a chapter in which your villain's friends hold an intervention. Your villain is lectured on morality and trust


Breaking News: Georgie is a 35 year old mother trapped in an 8 1/2 year old body.

I sat on the couch as she paced around, muttering about me being a crappy, emotionally constipated human being.


"Seriously! These are powers, maybe you're really connected to it!"

Wait. Connected to what?

"We can't tell you!" She ran a hand over her aged baby face and turned to Ryan who was playing with his spoon. What is with that kid and spoons?

She sighed and stomped her foot. "I mean come on! What, the next time something happens, you won't tell us. W-we'll just have to learn second hand? Yeah, like when you get shot and killed, you won't call us or call for help. No, we'll have it hear it on the bloody news! You can't just leave things like this anymore! You have to trust us, okay! You have us now, things are different, Dad!"

I heard Ryan's neck snap up.

Did she just call me Dad?

She paled and stared at me, quiet. I glance at Ryan who won't look at me. Seriously, the spoon is gone!

I can't handle these feelings. This is why I work alone, now they're emotionally attached and I let those families walk at the 4-U Mart 'cause the kids reminded me of Ryan and Georgie. 

I'm 19. I was the only kid in my grade who didn't have the "I might be a dad scare". They've been hanging here for who knows how long, I can't kick them out now.

But the attachments. The last time I got attached, it sucked.

I know she's listening in right now. I'm probably screaming in her brain. But I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

She looks at Ryan for a sec and the two walk over to me. She wraps her arms around my leg 'cause that's all she can reach and Ryan pats my back.

He tries so hard to be bad. So does she.

I mean, it's not like I'm romantically involved with them, they don't have anywhere else to go and no one else to turn to. They won't stab my back and leave like he did. Maybe this can work out. Maybe.

They look up at me and it's the first time I understand why people love kids so much. They look more scared I'll leave them than they are of me as a person. I set fire stations on fire for kicks, but they don't look at me different. Maybe I can trust them.

At least for a little while.

Georgie tightens her grip around my leg and I ruffle her hair. I look at Ryan. He probably feels out of place. There's a paper stuffed in his pants and I grab it before he can yank it back.

It was the adoption pamphlet. I had gotten it for kicks, but I never actually read it. What was he doing with it? I look down at him and he looks up at me sadly, glancing between me, Georgie, and the paper.

That's when it hits me. They're not just kids. They're two eight year old orphans with superpowers and they're so alone that they'd take an anti for a dad.

Georgie sighed against my leg, "No, stupid, we'd take you for a dad. Your anti friends are mean." I try not to focus on what she means by that. I take the pamphlet and tell them to go to bed, taking it with me.

I don't get any sleep that night. I'm too busy making phone calls and researching.

I guess if I'm going to be a dad, might as well be now than later.

I'm never getting a boyfriend now.

A/N: It's a bit more serious this time around, but I feel as though it was necessary with their character development. (As you can probably tell, I've been sort of neglecting Ryan, but for good reason. I've read in the comments [sorry I've haven't replied to all of them] that a lot of people love Georgie and everyone ships Luxe and Mint Vice/Lex and Declan, which yay! So there'll still be them, but I'm focusing on some other characters as well. So yeah, thanks for reading!

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