I Am Not a Copycat and I Do Not Need a Psych Eval

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Prompt 2: Write a chapter in which your villain attempts to recreate this [see prompt 1] crime and almost winds up getting themselves killed


Ryan and Georgie had been in the loft for all of one week and I was starting to get antsy. I had to make sure that they wouldn't die, so I have had no time for myself; that means no social time and no personal time.

"Are you okay?" Georgie asked as she did her homework on the table. Did I mention I enrolled them in the nearest public school? Because I did and I'm not proud of it! I'm not even their father, dammit, someone's going to notice and I'll be screwed. Then they'll find out I'm an Anti then I'll be even more screwed. And I haven't been able to curse the entire time they've been here.

"You can curse if you want, we don't mind," she added, writing something down. Probably math or my psych eval.

"History, actually," she said. I groaned. Don't read my mind!

"I'm not!" she defended, "You're just screaming your thoughts. I'm eight, can you blame my powers?" I sighed because I really can't. Since when do I keep myself from blaming people?

The door opened and revealed Ryan who was three hours late. I don't know whether I should be concerned, angry, or proud.

"All of the above," Georgie growled, before shoving him against the door and demanding where the fuck he was. If she can curse, so can I! That's totally unfair that she got to before I could.

Ryan shoved her off and flopped down next to me on the couch, "Why should I tell you where I was, it's none of your beeswax." He looked at me for support, but there's no way I'm going to get on the bad side of something that can read and control my mind while having a tantrum.

"I'm eight, I don't have tantrums," Georgie pouted, "Although you did pick the right side." She turned to her brother(?) "Ryan, where the hell were you?"

He scoffed, "Would you believe me if I said I was having sex?"

Georgie kneed him in the groin, "Would you believe me if I said that was an accident?"

I pulled them apart, putting one- Georgie- at the table and putting the other- Ryan- in the corner. I rubbed my face. I'm nineteen, dammit, I'm too young for this shit!

"Ryan, just answer your sister's question so we can get over this," I sighed.

He scoffed, "You're not my dad and she's not my sister." I growled- that always seems to scare them- and he sighed, cowering. "Fine," he spat, "I was still at school and I wasn't having sex, but I was with some other people."

Georgie motioned for him to continue, grinning smugly, and Ryan glared. Why do I hear the faint sound of knives clacking?

He continued, "And so I heard them talking about that bank robbery that happened a month ago. And they were all: It was wicked, I bet no one could do it better. And I dunno, I wanted to prove them wrong 'cause they're stupid, so I was all: No way, man, someone'll do it better. Then we got into this huge thing and they tried punching me 'cause I called them stupid, so I shoved them and used my powers to lock them in their lockers. But then a teacher saw us, so she told me that I can't use my powers, she can breathe underwater, and said that I need to keep them hidden. So she wants to talk to you tomorrow. Also, as I was leaving I bet the guys that a better villain could totally do the robbery thing better and that I contacted all of them already, so I need you to go redo the bank robbery tomorrow, but better."

Georgie threw her book at his head, then narrowly dodged the array of knives that flew after her. Are you kidding me, I do not want to have to clean up that blood.

The Everyday Life of a VillainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora