I Just Met My New Nemesis, But I Don't Hate Him

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Prompt 15: Write a chapter in which a hero emerges. How does your villain react?


I have decided that if this were to be more of an actual book than a diary-yes, I use the word diary- this is where the story would start.

Don't get me wrong, this won't turn into an actual cohesive story with a plot, but if there was a plot it'd start here. Because a hero came out here. Heh, came out.

He wasn't just the city's hero, or super. He was mine as well. But more on that later.

Georgie was ranting about how stupid her teacher was to me while Ryan was trying not to kill her with the kitchen knives. I should really buy plastic from now on.

I had just pulled a warehouse robbery the night before so I was tired but happy and was watching the news, ignoring Georgie entirely. She knew I was ignoring her; really she just wanted to talk, she was watching the news too.

The newslady- why should I learn her name?- moved onto the two people that talked about the newest super and anti happenings.

"We have a new super to join the team!" Stereotype Woman said to Stereotype Man, "Would you like to announce his name?"

He gave her a dazzling smile and shook his hand, "No, no, you do the honors."

"Alright. His name is...Luxe! He brings is light in the midst of all the darkness. Literally. He can make giant balls of light that can thwart all the evil in this world."

Not only was that wildly inaccurate and idiotic as fuck, they had to go make bigger idiots of themselves by mimicking the formation of plasma balls and shooting them at people. I'm disgusted by the media. They mentioned me briefly, but I was already too done with them to care.

Just as I was about to turn off the TV, the man said something about the new guy having a girlfriend. Bad move, guy.

I looked at Georgie who shook her head, "That's a pathetic idea, man, why would you even go there, it's so typical."

I shrugged, "Bourgeois as it may be, he's gotta learn his place in the hierarchy. Maybe he'll be my nemisis. I never had a nemisis."

Ryan whooped as I went to change. I heard Georgie groan and grab her bag.

"You don't want a nemisis, you say it makes you look like an unveiled stereotype of a villain."

I nodded, "I do. But it sounds fun, so I'll forget my principals for today. Now, let's go!"

Ryan pulled out the device he had made for Georgie in his free time: it let her scan for specific people within a twenty mile radius and pin point their exact location.

It didn't take long to find the new guy and before we knew it, I was dropping the kids off at a diner and changing into my hoodie.

I didn't have a legit reason as to why I was going to go attack some new guy's girlfriend, other than I wanted to. But hey, isn't that reason enough?

I saw him in his suit, doing a press conference. Instead of a yellow suit that I expected, he actually wore a sort of light blue one, it reminded me of diamonds, somehow. Weird. Of course, stupid girlfriend didn't keep her distance and was easily recognized.

Might as well make it dramatic right?

I swooped in, knocking over the podium, "Welcome to the club!" I shocked some of the upcoming attackers, as well as Luxe, and grabbed the girlfriend. Honestly, with the great aim my ring's showing, this is almost too easy.

I blindfolded her and called out to Georgie, asking for the closest empty, but totally obvious warehouse nearest me. We actually had a lot of those, surprisingly. She led me to one that was only a block away. See what I mean?

She fought and screamed, but really, she was gagged and couldn't see anything, this was just getting really pathetic. I was going to tell her to knock it off because I was almost too embarrassed to go on, but of course, Ryan and Georgie just had to burst in at that moment.

I almost wouldn't have recognized them, they had pretty good disguises. I mean, they were a pink and blue version of mine, but that's why they were so great- Georgie was blue and Ryan was pink, though their mask colors were different.

"So, boss, who'd you take this time?" Ryan asked. Oh, voice manipulator. Smart kid, that one.

I came up with it, dirtbag

Okay, smart kid, that Georgie.

She grinned at me and nodded. Then she pulled out some rope and lightly tied up the girlfriend. She was always a softie when it came to the comfort of others. When did I lose the heart to tell her that her morals were stupid?

The door burst open a few minutes later and the two scurried to the side where they had set up seats and popcorn. Lucky.

I looked at Luxe who was frowned, "Isn't this a little cliché?"

I dropped my entire plan and nodded, "It is! But I just thought that I'd go traditional to see just how thick you are. You seem pretty cool overall, you wanna be my nemesis?"

He tilted his head, "Nemesis? We just met, shouldn't we, you know, battle it out a bit before deciding that?"

I smirked, "Why does that sound like one of those "shouldn't you at least buy me dinner first" lines?"

His face, what I saw of it anyways, reddened and he ducked his head, "You're very vulgar, you know?"

I snorted, "What are you, twelve? How old are you?"

He shook his head, "Stranger danger." Okay, I liked him, we'd be buds. Wait, he's a super. Damn it!

I sighed and pulled the girlfriend up and untied her, "Okay, I just realized that we can't be friends and now I'm going home to mope. Here's your girlfriend."

He held up a hand, "Hang on. You're really odd. You're not like the other villains."

"Antis," I interrupted.

"Antis," he fixed, "You just do this whenever you want, huh?"

I shrugged, "Keeps life interesting, I guess. But it's a drive, I have to do it when I have the need or else I'll go crazy."

He frowned, "That sounds kind of hard. Do you want to do it, does it make you happy? Or do you hate yourself for it?"

I shrugged again, "I like it, sure, but I have better morals than most, I guess. Like, I'm not about to kill someone for the heck of it or so I can prove a point, I'm not stupid. You know?"

He nodded, "I feel. So, you have a power or is just that ring?"

I shook my head, "Wait 'til the fifth date." He bit back a grin when I winked.

He sighed, "Well, I can shoot sun blast things. One of your sidekicks is a mini-Magneto, heads up on that." Ryan! I looked over and saw the two waving, eating their popcorn, a pipe bending over their heads. They're idiots.

I looked back at Luxe who was untying his girlfriend. He glanced up at me, "She's not my girlfriend, by the way, she's my cousin. It's a long story. Anyways, we have to get going. Do you mind not going after my family?"

I wanted to say yes, then look them up, but something held me back. Maybe it's the fact that he wasn't some stupid, self-absorbed ass like all the other supers. Maybe it was because his voice was cute. Whatever it was, I nodded and meant it.

He gave me a smile and led his cousin to the door. He turned around one more time.

"I'll call you!"

A/N WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME, MY SOMEHWAT HILARIOUS MOJO IS GONZO!!! WHY DID I JUST USE THE WORD 'GONZO'?! I apologize everyone who thought I was funny, clearly I am not. Hope you enjoyed this! Luxe will be a recurring character, in more than one way. Wink wink nudge nudge cough cough hack hack

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