Origin Story

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Prompt 10: Write a chapter in which your villain has a flashback to something bad they did a long time ago 

[alternative prompt: write a chapter in which your villain has a flashback to something bad that happened to them a long time ago]


I guess it's time for ya'll to learn my origin story. Did I just say ya'll? Anyways, before I get into that, I feel as though I should explain what the hell happened back there. So, I ran into Vincent. Bum, bum, bum, that's the guy I never mentioned but brought up way too many times.

Anyways. So, I saw him and. He didn't even look at me. He just kept on walking. And I was all 'thank the Lawd', then the turned around. So I was all 'shitshitshit' right, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at me. Maybe he didn't recognize me. I hope he didn't.

So now here we are, sitting in my loft reading the Flash comics while catching up on the show, waiting for my children to come home from school. It's time everyone knew my origin story...

Okay, that sounded way too melodramatic, even for me. Well, I'm more melodramatic, that just sounds egotistical. And I'm too perfect to be egotistical. 

The door opens and in comes Georgie and Ryan. They sit on their beanbags and stare at me. It's time to start my shitty origin story.


Once upon a time, I was twelve. Shocking, I know. But before that I was eight. That was when my parents were arrested for first-degree murder. Well, my dad and his girlfriend were, my mom was arrested for owning a meth lab. So there's that.

So I lived with my aunt and uncle. They were pretty cool, it wasn't like Harry Potter. Until they got murdered by these drug addicts who got their house mixed up with their dealer's house across the street. So I've been surrounded by murder and drugs my entire life. That's why I don't do either.

So I got jumped from foster home to foster home when my Dumbledore arrived when I was twelve. Dumbledore was kind of a dick, I can argue that with anyone, as a character he was great, as a human I'd kick his old-ass ass. Wow, I'm kinda pathetic.

Anyways, it came in the form of another foster home. At least, they said they were a foster home; I'm almost positive they brainwashed the social worker or something. So I get dropped off at this world's equivalent to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. We called it The School for Powered Dumbasses.

No idea why I was there. But I got by. I lived there until I turned eighteen. I met Victor there. He had the power to control explosives and that made him a really unstable guy. But he took to me. He's two years older than me and he was really hot and he made me feel special.

One day, when we were seventeen, we went on a spree. We knew a guy who helped build us suits and stuff. Victor knew how to control his powers by then and they designed me my weapons and they made us suits.

So we went out. We set fire to fire stations because we were ironic little shits. We went and did that all night. I knew it was wrong, but we just kept tricking ourselves. Talking about how some firefighters are arsonists, how this, how that. 

And we just kept going. We moved out when I turned eighteen. And we kept on going and going and going. By then, it was too late to break me, the crime was - is - a part of me.

We were part of this one "gang". Think of them as 'The Rouges' from The Flash. We were going on a spree and stuff when one of them told me to kill this girl. I didn't want to. I didn't want to. I kept remembering everything from the "school" I couldn't just kill someone.

So they started shoving us around. Questioning me, questioning Victor. I guess it got to be too much on the guy. We were fighting with some "heroes" when Victor stabbed me in the back. I know, how random! Well, I wouldn't have believed it since I woke up fine. 

It turns out that one of the heroes saved me. She could heal people and I was actually fighting her during the battle thing. I never understood why she helped me. But after that, I tried to stick to quiet things. Lay low.

So that's that. That's not the whole story, not even close, but that's enough. For now anyways.


I finished my story a while ago. They didn't say anything and neither did I. I already knew what happened. They were part of the school too. Then they tried living with "graduates". The heroes didn't want them, the other anti's hurt them. 

I was the only one who was decent. 

So I'm sleeping on that. I haven't been myself, recently. I'm not as fun, I'm not as anything. I'm just jaded and tired. And I want to know what Victor's up to.

The Everyday Life of a VillainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ