"He said he left because he wanted a better life, I had no idea what he'd become. I knew nothing of werewolves or anything back then"

"He told me I could trust him and stupidly I did. He'd introduced me to a load of people, they all looked like humans but they moved different. Their eyes were empty, just bottomless pits. They all dressed in black, with weapons hidden in their clothes"

"I didn't think anything of it, they asked me to join them. And stupidly I let my brother bribe me into it, they said if I trained with them they'd help me out with money. So I did, but they then started training me with weapons"

He snarls and within a second he's gripping my face tightly.

"What kind of weapons!?" He snarls furiously.

"Bullets, knives, swords, daggers.." I whisper painfully.

My eyes water "please, I'd never hurt you" I whisper.

His grips tightens "like you could" he spits.

"As soon as they told me what they really did I left. I swear I've never hurt a werewolf and I never will. They want me because I know everything about them, they tried to turn me into one of them" I say as a tear runs down my face.

"I don't trust you!" He growls starting to shake.

Gripping his hand around my face I try to push him away but he doesn't budge.

"I left my brother behind. He was my only family left! That should be enough for you to at least try and trust me" I whisper crying.

His grip loosens slightly "I can't. The safety of my pack and family come first." He says.

I hold in a sob "if you give me to them, they'll make me like them. They'll force me to hurt someone that I- I don't want to. Please, I'd rather be dead than hurt you" I whimper.

He let's go, standing looking completely torn.

"I'll go if you want and you'll never have to see me again I swear"

He storms out angrily making me confused.

Angels pov

I breath heavily and search the house for chloe.

Walking into her bedroom I can hear her breathing.

"Steel?" She says confused.

I sit on her bed "I need your help" I say quietly. I've been the worst brother to her for the past five years.

She stays silent before moving closer. She grabs my hand in hers "what's wrong?" She asks worried.

"She told me everything. To put it bluntly she's had a shit upbringing, her brother who disappeared for years came back. He's been living with hunter's and let them manipulate him. He tried to make her a hunter" I say with disgust in my voice.

"She had no idea about us or what they were. She was barely surviving and they offered her money to train with them. She did and they trusted her, they taught her with every silver weapon they had. She found out what they were and what they wanted her for and she left. She said she's never hurt a werewolf and she never would"

Chloe rubs my hand soothingly like I'm a child.

"I think you should forgive her, clearly she had no idea and she didn't know how to tell you. Maybe give her the silent treatment or something as punishment. We only get one mate steel and like it or not. She's yours" she says softly.

I sigh "she knows everything about them, she spent under a year with them and became one of the top warriors. He brother knew she was good that's why he told them about her. They told her everything"

"If she was one of them then she would never have told you about it. She'd be empty inside, but she felt guilty and told you"

I sigh again and hang my head "rogues want her from all over the world, she's worth 2 million with a heartbeat"

Chloe gasps "holy crap steel" she says shocked.

I nod "what do I do" I whisper leaning my head on her shoulder.

She leans her head on mine "go with what your heart says" she whispers.


Dakota ferns pov

Leaving the office I pack a few things that I need into a bag before wiping my tears.

Slinging the bag over my shoulder I dry my face before hurrying down the stairs. If he doesn't want me then I don't blame him but I refuse to let the hunter's have me.

Leaving the huge house I just hope they can't hear my footsteps. Walking across the stones as quietly as I can I break into a run as my feet hit the forest floor.

'Why the hell is his land so big?' I think to myself after twenty minutes.

Pausing for a second I look around wearily when I hear movement around me. Dropping my bag I swiftly grab my small pen knife from my bra.

I can cause more damage than this thing could but it's making me feel safer. I don't know what's out here, I mean I'm in the middle of the woods for god sake!

I spin a twig snaps behind me "stop fucking with me" I say with a bored voice even though I'm a little scared.

A huge wolf steps out snarling. My eyes widen in awe, the knife slipping from my hands. Looking at it softly I see familiar eyes but think nothing of it.

"Your pretty for a male" I murmur reaching my hand out to stroke it's head.

It's eyes watch me wearily but when my hand touches it's fur it whines. I jump scared as it jumps forwards.

I fall onto my back with the wolf over me. I know it won't hurt me but that doesn't stop the flinch as it leans down.

It's tongue quickly darts out of its mouth before running up my face.

"Ew! Get off get off!" I yell disgusted.

Using my sleeve I scrub at my skin harshly, the wolf looking amused as it jumps to my side and sits watching me.

"That's just disgusting" I mutter annoyed.

It flops backwards shaking, like it's laughing.

"So your a male" I say looking away awkwardly.

It jumps up looking at me accusingly which I smirk at and hold my hands up.

"Don't blame me, it was like right there" I say putting my hand to my face showing him.

If wolf's could smirk then he would be.

"I have to go" I say quickly as I remember why I'm out here in the woods.

He frowns and whimpers making my heart twist painfully.

"It's not you, it's just..people don't trust me, they don't want me here so I'm leaving and fixing their problem" I say, my eyes watering again.

He whimpers and walks towards me, his snout softly touching my cheek.

Tingles spread through me making me freeze.

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