(Minhye's POV)

In the midst of everyone's blank stares, I waited for their reaction. Silence was the only answer they gave me. To break the barrier I pretended to stifle a yawn, while stretching my arms out.

"Well then, you guys continue your night... I have to wake up early tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep..."

I walked away feeling everyone's gaze follow me...

It's for the best to let them know, especially him..


Closing my eyes, I let all of my stress fly over me. Letting all of my mentality swallow me whole, silence deafen me, and darkness blind me.

Together, I listened to nature's symphony.

The wind played the trees, the crickets echoed back, with the river tying everything together in a beautiful harmony. My head bobbed to the beat of my heart, I was about to doze off, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.


Continuing my sleeping act, I adjusted my position to cover any evidence that I was awake. Kris tried to brush my bangs away, but failed to see my face.

Unexpectedly, he flicked my forehead blowing my cover, causing me to roll around in pain.

"Yah!?" I yelled.

He chuckled, scratched his head, and said, "Sorry..." in a weird accent actually sounding like, "Saurry."

Befuddled, I shook my head. "Kris, apologized! What is this! The world is ending!"

Dramatically, I went on my knees and threw my hands in the air, but Kris pressed my shoulders back down to my seated position

"Take me seriously..."

The whisper in his voice, made his words more impactful. Every thought of lightening up the mood in my head disappeared.

The intimidation in him was back, along with his tone of voice that always made me obey.

We stood like that for a good minute just staring at each other. My heart was driving me crazy as it bounced wildly in my chest. His gaze bore into my soul making me almost, I said almost, weak in my knees,but he ruined it all when he burst out in a fit of laughter.

Obviously frustrated, I stormed off, but failed to make an escape when he grabbed my wrist back to him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He repeated.

Glaring at him I brushed his grip away, and continued to walk without turning back. He tailed behind me.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" He asked.

I nodded.

"You don't take me seriously?"

I nodded.

"Do you not believe me?"

I nodded.

I nodded. I nodded. I nodded. Until his last question escaped him.

"Do I like you?"

I nodded.

Upon seeing his expression brighten up, I instantly took back my words.

"No Kris! We were never even friends for you to assume, 'Oh, I think I like Minhye.'"

He stopped in his tracks to think while rubbing his chin as if he had a beard. "Chingu."

That was the one word he said. "Chingu"

He then slapped his forehead, while mindlessly nodding his head, "I get it now. Chingu. We can be friends. That's it. That's all. Chingu. Chingu. Chingu."

I stared at him, not sure whether to be scared or creeped out.

What possessed him?

"Chingu. Chingu. Chingu." He kept repeating. I grabbed my head, simultaneously letting out groans to drown him out of my mind.

He continued to say that one word, and when I turned around to give him a peice of my mind his smirk turned into a gentle smile, his eyes crinkled warmly, and with a soft pat on my head he murmured, "Chingu..." With that he disappeared to walk ahead of me still saying that one word, until we finally found everybody else. They were outside, peacefully sitting around the bonfire.

I looked to Kris and when he caught my gaze he smiled catching me off guard again.

It's time... It's time to tell everyone. It's time to tell him.

(End of Flashback)

I marched to my room, feeling a heavy burden off my chest. Well, now that he knows, he can finally understand that it's not possible to like me. It's not.

But, what I can't comprehend was the disappointment in me. Was I expecting for a different reaction from the boys? Kris? I shouldn't be. I really shouldn't.

And to think I'll never be able to see the boys again. The thought itself was lonely.

I waited outside my room, and although I wasn't exactly sure why I was waiting I still stood there like a potato staring into space.

Suddenly, someone put their hands on my shoulder making me turn eagerly, only to find it wasn't the person I was looking for.

"Kai, what's up."

He smiled charmingly, as he held up a pillow, "Ji Won wanted to give this to you. She forgot to return it this afternoon."

I forced a small smile as I took the pillow from his hands.

I was waiting for the right time to say goodbye, but Kai kept his eye contact with me. It was a little habit I noticed from him. If he wanted to say something he would catch your gaze and never let it go. Even if you looked away.  Jongin was now in a weird angle because I was looking down, he still managed not to break it.

"Are you okay, Minhye? Anything wrong?" He asked with genuine concern in his voice.

I brightened up my smile while shaking my head, "No, nothing's wrong. Thanks for the pillow."

Although there was a second of doubt that flashed through his eyes, he gave me a satisfactory smile, "That's good. Remember, even if this is the last time you'll see us, we'll definitely be on t.v."

He started shimmying all over the place while laughing, "We'll take over the whole world, like no one has ever done, and we'll show them what EXO is made out of."

He then refrained from dancing while he pointed to me, "And remember, you're one of the reasons why we're able to do that." Silence.

I felt a rush of warmth rush throughout my body, along with a wrenching feeling in my chest.

"Thank you Minhye," he finished.

How can someone's words have so much power? With that, we said our goodnights after Kai remembered that D.O. was waiting for him back with everybody else.

I'll definitely miss EXO... Not as celebrities, but as my students that changed my life...


Sorry for the super late update! I hate stress! School has been so stressful, that I literally just sleep once I go home. I try to write a new chapter, but I end up sleeping on my notebook...

I'm really sorry, but thank you for all the readers out there. I will be eternally grateful! ^.^

If you want to support the story visit my ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/trulyasolomon

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