Keyboards superglue and greyhounds

415 16 21

"Holy mother of milking cows" Becky gasped, leaning closure to observe the sleeping specimen "She sleeps like a caterpillar!"

Sienna leaned forward to look closer, and grinned at Eliza's odd sleeping formation. Her sheets were wrapped around her tightly, and her face poked out of the duvet.

"Should be wake her up? She'll miss breakfast if we don't" Shania suggested, throwing on a black hoodie with a green design etched onto it in graffiti font.

"Woah, what's that?" Sienna asked, forgetting about Eliza and observing the odd design.

It was two arrows facing right parallel to each other, connected in the middle by a circle with a line running through it.

"Where'd you get this?" Sienna asked, Shania shrugged as she threaded her earphones through the hoodie and plugged them into her ears.

"Wake up sexy cow!" Becky yelled, climbing onto Eliza's bed and jumping happily.

Sienna's eyes lit up with glee and joined in with the harmony of joyous laughter and groggy yelping, Shania grinning as the caught the event on her iPod.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Eliza groaned as she sat up in bed, her hair looking like the stuck her finger in an electrical socket.

"We've got about half an hour before breakfast starts in the mess hall"

"I need a shower, and I'm out of shampoo!" Eliza announced, sorting through her bag for a nonexistent shampoo bottle.

"Here, use mine, it's almost empty anyway" Sienna offered, holding out her own bottle of shampoo.

Muttering a quick thank you, Eliza took the shampoo and gathered her bathroom essentials.

"I'm going to take a quick trip to the super market, I'll be back in a tick" Sienna called out, shoving some notes in her pocket and Eliza's money to buy shampoo for her.

Sienna made her way out the campus, passing groggy students and teachers walking to their classes with their minds buzzing. She followed the route she memorised, and made it to the brightly lit shopping centre.

She made a beeline for the shampoo, picking two and getting distracted by the confectionary isle. Tucking a family sized packet of malteesers under her arm before lining up behind two tall boys in the self service checkout, one ebony hair and one brunette. Their conversation drifted back to her, and she couldn't help grinning at their British accents, and the fact that they were arguing about a Sonic game.

"We could've won that game you know"

"Maybe we could have, if you didn't do those bloody Pokémon impressions"

"You're just easily distractible"

"You rendered me incapable of playing!"

"You and your posh words..."

"I'm not posh! I'm ARTICULATE"

Their argument forced Sienna to stifle down laughs as they moved off to a self service checkout, Sienna moving off to the one next to them. She scanned the two shampoos, and paused as she was about to scan the malteesers, her attention focused on the two guys shenanigans.

"Please place item into the bagging area"

"Let me do it Phil" The brunette said, nudging his friend out of the way gently, and placing the malteesers into the area.

"Please place item into the bagging area"

"It's not working Dan" Phil informed, looking around for some assistance "I just need to get the lady's attenti-"

YouTube University (Collaboration with NayaPearlie)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt