A Clean Slate

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"So, Eliza," Ian began, turning to her and crossing his arms, "what did Sohinki do to Sienna?"
Eliza felt as though every nerve in her body shut down as she tried to gather her thoughts into a coherent sentence. The utmost casualness in his voice made her think he had some sort of idea as to what Sohinki did but she couldn't be sure. She didn't want to tell him what she did.
"Um," she stalled. "Not my story to tell." She pursed her lips into a straight line and forced a thin, closed-mouth smile.
"Eliza, come on, you have something to do with it. As much as she is sweet, Freck- I mean, Naya - isn't a good liar. Just tell me," Ian said, his arms still crossed.
Eliza sighed and rubbed her eyes with her hands in frustration. "Fine, fine, Sohinki took me out on a walk while they were in a relationship, okay?"
Ian's face fell and he dropped his arms. "He's seriously not a bad guy."
"Yeah," Eliza muttered, not wanting to tell him that she was the one who convinced Sohinki to take her out.
Ian clicked his tongue and looked down at the review in his hands with a smile growing on his face. "Hey, I gotta go and read this. You should go off and try to relax. You've been through a ton."
Eliza nodded and Ian went on his way, grinning at the sheet in his hands as he disappeared around the corner. As soon as he left, the hallway seemed to close in on her and the air seemed to thicken, so she decided to go outside and take Ian's advice.
The sun warmed up her skin instantly and she sat down on the grass, near other people but not close enough to be pulled into a conversation. She focused on her breathing.
She was sitting there for ten minutes before she heard a British accent in the near distance and opened her eyes. There was a tall black-haired boy with thick-rimmed glasses and a microphone in his hand, talking into a camera, with his arm around a very scared looking Shania, looking around awkwardly. They weren't too far, they were within listening distance.
"My name is Sam Pepper and today we're trying to find the best kisser in YouTube University," the man said. He looked awfully familiar - perhaps Eliza had seen him before on campus?
"Oh?" Shania replied, looking very scared.
"Yep, so, if you'd-" he gestured to his lips and slowly leaned in. Eliza could see Shania slowly leaning back.
"Um- I-"
Sam only let out a laugh and held her face still.
Eliza felt sick at the sight and she stood up and yelled. "HEY!"
There was another voice, filled with as much rage as Eliza's voice. She turned to the source of the sound and saw Sienna storming over with the most angry look on her face and her hands balled up into the tightest fists ever. Sam looked afraid as he switched gazes between Sienna and Eliza, Shania backing away from him when his arms were away form her face.
"Oh, hey, you're the girl who-" Sam began with a pointed finger but Sienna swatted his hand out of the way and cut him off.
"The girl who you harassed? Yeah, that's me! What the fuck do you think you're doing now?" There was steam coming out of Sienna's ears.
Sam tripped over his words.
"Oh no, Sienna, I don't know if he, can think - he doesn't seem to have enough human in him to," Eliza commented and she swore she saw Sienna smile out of the corner of her eye. "What made you think she wanted to kiss you? She has a boyfriend, too, oh my God!" Eliza shouting.
Sam glanced at the still-shaken up Shania, who met his gaze and took a step back. "She didn't say 'No'," was all he had to say. "And for the boyfriend thing - she didn't say a word about it."
Eliza turned to Shania and she had her head hung low, guiltily, as though she had to feel bad, as though it was her fault. This made Eliza's blood boil.
"You need to fuck right off," Sienna growled. She pushed him in the chest. "This is all on you."
Sam rubbed where she hit and narrowed his eyes as he switched gazes between Sienna and Eliza. "You both need to get the sticks out of your arses - it's a video, for Christ's sake! Lighten up."
"Oh, Sir!" Shania called out, the first thing she said since Sam assaulted her. Eliza followed her gaze and saw Ben Cook walking along the path. There seemed to be a ghost of a smile and a miniscule shake of the head when he realised it was Shania who called him sir.
He approached them and, as though she read Sam's mind, Shania took a hold of Sam's arm just as he was about to run. She kicked him behind his knee, which made him fall into a sitting position. She smiled at Ben, who looked utterly confused.
"What's going on here?" he asked. "Miss Alvir, you do remember that violence isn't allowed on campus, correct? And how I feel about you calling me 'sir'?"
Shania nodded. "Sorry, sir, but this man has been sexually harassing many girls here on campus. Sienna and I included."
Ben raised an eyebrow at the black haired lad on the ground. "Is this true, young man?"
"No, they're lying," Sam spat, glaring at Shania. Eliza shook her head at him and subtly kicked his shin before Sienna pulled her away.
Shania turned to the cameraman, who seemed to be rooted to the spot in petrified shock. "Show him the footage, mate."
Mr. Cook scanned the footage with stony silence, his lips pursed and his eyes narrowed in anger.
"Mr. Pepper, come see me in my office, now." He ordered, indicating he follow his as he turned and walked away.
Sam stood up, shoulders slumped with his defeat, each woman that stood before him was given a death glare as he followed Cook meekly.
What was a great and victorious feeling, quickly dissolved into an awkward silence between the women.
Shania opened her mouth and didn't know what to really say, Sienna's eyes looked everywhere but in Eliza's direction, and Eliza herself was thinking of a quick joke that could lighten the mood.
"Well" Eliza started, immediately getting their attention as she finished "That could've been worse"
"Yeah!" Shania agreed, clapping her hands together and laughing a little too much. "Yeah, he could've actually kissed me." She cleared her throat and shook her head at the thought. "Hey, that was some telepathy going on with you two, y'know?"
Eliza and Sienna looked at each other with confused looks.
"Yeah, I mean, you both came right at the sense of danger. That's a thing that best friends have," Shania added, putting emphasis on 'best friends'. She stared at Sienna, who sighed.
"The three of us talked a little back at the dorm before we came here," she began, "and even though I haven't exactly forgiven you, Eliza..."
Eliza was soon engulfed in her friend's arms. "I missed you so much."
After a few minutes of trying to process and get over what had just happened, Shania, Eliza and Sienna retreated back to their dorm room to give Becky the news that Eliza and Sienna had made up. But when they approached the door, there was a note taped to the door.
"Hey, mates!
I'm just helping Charlie with a short film of his (just some project he set himself for filming). I'll be back for lunch. I'm glad we're all friends again! ^_^
xoxo, Becky
P.S. I missed you, Eliza. Sorry I was ignoring you. Hope you can forgive me. <3"
Eliza's heart swelled at the last words written on the paper. She was worried, no doubt, that there'd still be some tension in the air but overall she knew that Becky was being sincere, and the thought of them being back to best friends made her cells come alive with joy.
Shania took a peek at her timetable and smiled. "C'mon, Sienna, let's go to-"
"Oh, hey, Sienna." The velvety voice of Cry cut Shania off as he came up behind Sienna and wrapped his arms around her. Eliza could see Sienna snuggling back into him slightly and snapped her head to Shania as if to say "Did you know about this?"
Shania shook her head in response.
"So... When did this whole thing start?" Shania asked as casually as possible, looking back in time to see Cry lift his new mask up only slightly and steal a kiss on Sienna's cheek.
A bashful grin grew on Sienna's cheeks.
"Let's just say," Cry began, "it was more of a realisation on her part than it was a new start."
Sienna just turned more red around the cheeks.
"Yes, well, Mr Cry, as much as I love this new thing you guys have going on, Sienna and I must go to vlogging. So toddle off, heart-eyes," Shania laughed as she grabbed Sienna's wrist. Cry gave her a wave and Sienna waved back, smiling like a child.
Eliza turned to the masked boy with raised eyebrows. "So you guys are together?" She couldn't help asking the obvious. Cry just nodded.
"Go nuts with Sohinki," was all he said before he turned on his heel and walked in the opposite direction.
Why did the mention of his name feel like a stab to the heart?

YouTube University (Collaboration with NayaPearlie)Where stories live. Discover now