The arrival

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YouTube university, the place for all aspiring YouTubers to fully be apart of the YouTube community.

Sienna grinned as she has her face pressed up against the car window like an excited child, the classic YouTube logo was mounted on a sturdy wooden sign at the entrance reading "YouTube University: Broadcasting your way to a better future".

The long U shaped driveway was already filled with cars ready to drop off the freshman for the new year, Sienna recognised the tall main building from looking at brochures and browsing the YouTube university website.

"Excited?" Mum asked, as she squinted ahead to find a parking spot.

"Yes" She said, her legs jigging nervously in excitement.

Sienna's dad turned around, his glasses and white hair shining in the pale Californian sun, he's only 50 yet he looks so much older.

"Are you sure you have everything?" Dad asked for the hundredth time today, Sienna cracked a smile as she rolled her eyes.

"Yes dad" She replied, and before he could name the things his daughter could have possibly forgotten she interrupted "I've got my textbooks, laptop, clothes, entertainment, timetable and other small knick knacks that couldn't wait until you mail the other stuff"

Dad nodded, satisfied, and sat back in the passengers seat.

Mum found a spot near the front entrance of the main building, a great banner hung across the entrance saying "Welcome all YouTube freshman of 2013!"

"This is it, you're at uni!" Mum gushed, turning and snapping a picture with her camera.

"Mum!" Sienna shouted, hiding behind her side fringe and blushing.

"In the light your highlights really shine!" Mum protested, and got out if the car to help Sienna's dad take out her suitcases from the boot of the car.

Sienna shook her head and grinned as she stepped out of the car, the cold breeze somehow snaking through her woollen dress, white t-shirt and black leggings. Not used to this weather, Sienna remembered the hot Australian summer she left behind to be here, and sighed as she pulled out her black leather jacket and put it on.

This is the only YouTube university in the world, so people from all over the globe venture over here to get their degrees. Sienna listened as she could recognise can hear the different accents that mix in with the many conversations in the area.

"You can help anytime you escape Lala land" Sienna's dad commented, snapping her out of the place he just mentioned.

She rifled through her backpack until she pulled out a sheet of paper explaining the whereabouts of her room, Sienna held that in her right hand while she tugged a suitcase behind her, her parents following close by.

She walked forward, following the signs and numbers on the different dormitories to find the one she was allocated to, the gaming ward.

"May I have a picture for the school bulletin?" A deep voice spoke, Sienna stopped and looks up to see a tall British boy with medium length black wavy hair and blue eyes peeking over the lens of his camera.

"U-um, sure" She stuttered, and smiled shyly at the camera as he took a few pictures.

"I'm PJ by the way, freshman" He introduced himself and held out his hand in a friendly manner.

"Sienna, freshman" She replied, smiling and shaking his hand.

"See you later Sienna, I've got to take more pictures"

He turns and left, Sienna could hear her dad mocking her by cooing.

"Stop it dad" She groaned, and stepped into the gaming dormitory.

YouTube University (Collaboration with NayaPearlie)Where stories live. Discover now