Best Friends and Chocolate

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Good afternoon friends, it's NayaPearlie's chapter! Be nice, she did a fantastic job!

It's my turn to do chapter 10, and exams are coming up for both Naya and me, so be patient fellas, until the impending doom of examinations are over :P

Until next time,

- Buttons and Naya


"And don't get me started on his accent- GOD, Charlie's accent is just perfect," Becky gushed as she tossed another one of Sienna's Maltesers into her mouth.

"I can imagine so," Shania laughed. She reached over and grabbed one of the chocolate balls. "I'm guessing that British accents have that exact effect on 97% of the non-British female world population." She popped the chocolate into her mouth.

They were both sitting on Becky's bed and were supposed to be doing homework, but became sidetracked by Sienna's Maltesers, which then brought on the topic of the concept of giving chocolate on Valentine's Day, which then became a gushing session based around their blossoming relationships.

Shania's MacBook Air sat with a video paused on the screen, and an open notebook lying on the keyboard with a page-long review written in small rushed writing, with cursive writing at the top saying 'Smosh Food Battle'. Ian had asked Shania to watch a short film that TomSka had instructed he and Anthony to create to see where their skills were, and she went a step further. Mostly because she liked writing, but a small part was that Ian might be happier knowing she spent her time to write something a page long and not fictional.

Becky, on the other hand, was meant to be drawing different girls' nail designs and explaining what they mean, much to Shania's confusion, for her Design and Beauty class. Apparently, everyone did a different thing based around the statement 'What A Girl's _____ Means'. On a grid page torn out from her Education exercise book were diagrams of simplistic feminine hands with coloured nails and underneath them was a description; each varied from a sentence to a couple lines to a paragraph, but all detailed nonetheless. "Jenna said that if she likes what we've come up with, she'd make a video out of them!" Becky had said to Shania with child-like excitement in her voice. "Maybe it could become a series!"

But the homework was long rejected, and the two were yapping away about their first dates and how they felt during the date and when they were going to see them again and, basically, the two began squealing like teenagers at a sleepover.

The two-person party lasted a while, but was soon driven to a halt when the sound of the door's lock sounded, and a stiff Sienna appeared as she pushed the door open. Her footsteps into the dorm were small that she looked like she was shuffling like an old woman. Every limb was forcefully straight and rigid, as though they would snap in half if bent even slightly. Shania and Becky stared at her, not knowing what to do, but they were fully aware that Sienna looked very depressed.

"Sienna?" Shania whispered, her small voice lathered with concern.

"Is everything-" Becky started, but she was cut off by Sienna as she shut the door, lunged for her bed, and sobbed loudly into a pillow that she clutched tightly. Shania let out a small gasp, dashed to her side, and sat on the edge of the bed, on the verge of crying herself.

"Oh my," Becky muttered; she didn't know what to do. All she did was sit in the empty space that the occupied bed provided, and pushed the box of Maltesers into Sienna's face as she reassured, "Chocolate doesn't ask silly questions, chocolate understands."

Sienna nodded, streams of endless tears rolled down her cheeks, and took a handful of the Maltesers and shoved them into her mouth. As they saw Sienna in the most devastatingly fragile state they had ever seen, two questions were circling Shania and Becky's mind: 1) What happened? and 2) Where the hell is Eliza?

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