You've been warned

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Becky and Sienna left the other girls in their room while they went off to their club for today, Trolling 101, they weaved through weary students and teachers lugging their workload home for the day.

"How was design and beauty?" Sienna asked, slowing down to walk next to her.

"It was fun, I have Jenna Marbles" Becky grinned, relaying the highlights of the class to her.

Sienna grinned, and told her about her performance in front of the class, Becky applauding her as they walked into their classroom for the club.

Two male teachers sat on stools facing the class, one had short hair tucked behind a grey beanie and a short brown beard, while the other had curly hair the same colour, and a slight stubble lining his chin, he continuously pushed back square rimmed glasses as he talked to the one with the beanie. They both looked similar enough to be brothers.

Becky looked up and waved to Alex, pulling Siena with her to exchange hellos. They quickly sat down a row in front of Alex as the two teachers commanded everyone to take a seat, the two men nodded to each other, telepathically exchanging conformations about something Sienna couldn't read from them.

"Ben Fine" The curly one announced, tugging his flannel shirt and smiling at the class.

"Rafi Fine" the one with the beanie introduced, smiling and waving to the class.

"Hi" Ben said, and the two brothers began to speak broken sentences with practiced ease, at an unbelievable speed.

"We're the Fine brothers-"

"And consider yourselves warned-

"We're about to explain to you the rules of Trolling 101-"

"In one lesson-"

"In thirty minutes"


"NOW" Ben announced, looking to his brother to begin.

"Rule number one: Voice your opinion, don't be afraid to speak up-"

"BECAUSE VOICING YOUR OPINION IS BADASS!" Ben interrupted, the students chuckled, wondering what to expect from these oddballs.

"Rule number two" Ben informed, taking the reins "This is a club, not a class. We won't be issuing detentions-"

"Unless you break the rules, because breaking the rules is NOT BADASS" Rafi shouted, tilting his head to the ceiling and flailing his arms.

The two seemed to be cutting each other off, but at the right times to fully make an understandable and smooth performance. Eventually ending the club with one last rule.

"Remember, share your trolling knowledge-"

"Because sharing is caring, and with all our trolling knowledge we can..."

"TROLL THE PLANET!" Ben an Rafi said together, turning to each other in there chairs and playing a hand game while the students filed out.

"Hey, Sienna!" Cry smiled as Sienna bumped into him on the way out, the Fine brothers continuing their hand game.

"Hey Cry, wow we have a lot of things together!" Sienna realised, Becky peeled off the conversation to talk to Alex, who had quickly found Charlie and was discussing something concerning 'Sopio'.

"Haha, I know right?" Cry said, chuckling as he shoved his hands in his pockets and smiled.

"So um, I heard you and the Sohinki guy got together, congrats on that!" Cry chuckled as he saw Sienna's cheeks blush, he smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder in a reassuring way.

YouTube University (Collaboration with NayaPearlie)Where stories live. Discover now