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For me, Saturday morning was rather lazy. I laid in bed watching Justin work from his laptop and iPad.

I hadn't seen him work so intensely before. He'd been working quite hard since we got back and, although I knew he wouldn't want me to, I did feel a bit guilty for keeping him from his work for so long with the holiday trips (even though I had the time of my life).

His hair was a beautiful mess. He did look like he'd just woken up. I wanted to run my fingers through it and have him relax by letting him rest his head on my chest. He was also biting his bottom lip as he typed on his laptop... so sexy. And he was shirtless.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me, my love?" Justin smirked but didn't take his eyes off his laptop screen.

"You are such a sight in the mornings." I smiled. "I don't think you know how hot you look."

"Thank you." He said.

I could tell he was stressed.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I asked.

Justin nodded his head a little.

"What would you like?" I sat up slowly.

"Coffee." He smiled lazily.


"Whatever else you feel like making." He looked at me.

"Can you put your work aside for a few minutes when I bring up the food so we can have a nice morning?" I asked.

"How many minutes?" Justin tested me.

"Enough to make me believe you're not drowning yourself in your work. You came to bed late last night, Justin. I know you're probably fixing stuff at work but... I don't like seeing you so... zombie-like."

Justin chuckled.


"Yes. Your eyes are glued to your screen and you look so fixed on what you're doing. You need a break. A little one. Just have breakfast in bed with me for a few minutes with no laptop or iPad and we can chat about something happy or watch one movie or one episode of a series."

Justin sighed.

"Please, baby?" I pulled a puppy face.

"Okay. Fine." He said.

I smiled.

"I'm gonna go make us something really good and you keep working until I get back." I pecked his lips repeatedly then got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.

I played some music as I got some ingredients out. I figured that if I was in a good mood, it would rub off on Justin and hopefully he would take it easy on himself.

I didn't think I'd ever seen him so busy before. I was just thankful that he wasn't travelling to some other city to sort it out and I knew that the problem was obviously in Miami. Last time he travelled to New York for work, I was worried sick about him.

I put together a big breakfast for us and it was slick of me because I knew that the more food I made, the more time I'd have Justin off his work and relaxing. I made his coffee strong too and put everything on a tray then headed back to the bedroom to feed my king.

He was on the phone when I made it in.

I put the tray of food on the bed, put his laptop and iPad on the nightstand and I took my place on the bed and waited for him to finish with his phone call.

He looked at me when he was done then he sized up our breakfast.

"You really went all out." He said.

Love Wholeheartedly | JB| a.u | BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now