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With Justin gone back to being the respected businessman that he was, I was once again left alone for the day.

I'd already showered and gotten dressed in sweats and I was boiling the kettle to make some hot chocolate when I heard a knock on the door.

Pattie and Ms Jones had come over to visit and they had food with them.

I smiled at them and hugged them individually.

"We hope you're hungry." Pattie smiled.

She placed the food she'd gotten on the dining table and Ms Jones went to get some plates.

"I was gonna make some breakfast for myself." I told them.

"We arrived right on time then." Pattie said.

They'd gotten some muffins, croissants and pastries as well as cups of coffee.

"Ms Jones suggested we get lots of muffins." Pattie informed me.

"Aww, Ms Jones." I smiled at her.

"I know how much you love them. They're chocolate." She winked at me.

We all sat down and got to eating.

It was a pleasant silence until Pattie spoke up.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me. "Being engaged and all."

"Oh." I blushed. "It hasn't quite sunk in yet. But I'm happy."

"That ring is just so gorgeous." Ms Jones smiled. "Justin definitely has a good eye."

Pattie nudged Ms Jones lightly and they both giggled like a pair of crazy women.

"Not to be rude or anything," I said, "what brings you here? I thought you would've been back in Miami, Pattie. And Ms Jones... shouldn't you be at work?"

"Pattie came to get me out of work. That's why I'm still in my uniform. I don't know what she told Paul but it worked because he let me go." Ms Jones said.

"And I couldn't leave without seeing you again after the brunch. I'm so excited for you." Pattie smiled. "And I knew that Justin would be busy with Richard so..."

"Oh. Thanks for popping in." I said.

"So how are you feeling, dear? Really." Ms Jones asked me.

"I'm happy." I said, "And nervous. But mostly happy."

"You're glowing too."

"Really?" I blushed.

"Yes. Look at you! Justin is really going all out for you."

"I'm a lucky girl." I smiled.

"Have you thought about the wedding?" Pattie asked.

I shook my head slightly.

"Like I said, it hasn't quite sunk in yet. I haven't thought about the wedding or a dress or a venue. I'm just... still enjoying the engagement." I said.

"Well, I'd like to throw an engagement party for you, if that's okay with you." Pattie smiled. "We can do it at my house in Miami. All you have to do is tell me who you want there, what theme you want, if you even want a theme... it's going to be beautiful."

"Pattie..." I blushed.

"Come on, you'll love it."

"I don't know that many people."

"Well, there's Ms Jones, me, Richard's family, my family... that's more than enough."

I looked at Ms Jones.

Love Wholeheartedly | JB| a.u | BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now