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Things became stressful after getting a letter to inform Justin and I that our adoption application had been taken in and was being processed. I began fussing over everything out of nerves and anxiety and it was hard to remind myself that all I had to do was be myself.

Pattie informed me that Justin and I were being investigated for all sorts of things like criminal records, history of being abusive and our financial status. That made me feel confident. I knew that, for this part, Justin and I scored an A+.

To get my mind off things, Pattie had asked to meet me for lunch at her home so Lewis took me over.

I couldn't wait till I got to drive my own car, I thought as I sat in the car. I'd already started my driving lessons and was making the right amount of progress. I was sure that I'd be very good at driving in a few months and then I'd be able to take myself places.

Aisha was helping Pattie in the kitchen when I walked in.

I'd been let in by Pattie's helper who so kindly walked me to the kitchen where Aisha and Pattie were laughing about something.

"Hi." I said awkwardly, not wanting to kill the happy mood.

Aisha squealed when she saw me and quickly rushed over to give me a hug. And soon after she greeted me, Pattie came to hug me too.

"Is there anything I can help with?" I offered.

"No, it's okay, sweetie." Pattie said. "Aisha and I covered everything."

"Pattie did most of it." Aisha said.

"Because I can't have you burning down my house." Pattie teased her and carried a platter to the dining table.

"Ouch." Aisha pouted her lips and I held back a giggle.

We sat at the table and helped ourselves to the food that was so nicely prepared.

"So... you and Justin are engaged." Aisha began. "I'm still not over it."

I smiled.

"It hasn't quite sunk in yet to me either." I admitted.

"How does it feel?"

"Amazing. Like a dream come true."

"Aww." Pattie gushed.

"When do you plan to tie the knot?" Aisha asked. "I think a Spring wedding would be lovely."

"Absolutely." Pattie agreed. "Outdoor weddings are always so beautiful."

"Unless you wanna get married in a church? I know a beautiful cathedral." Aisha smiled.

"Or you could get married here." Pattie smiled.

"I... I don't know." I blushed. "I haven't thought about the wedding..."

"That's okay, sweetie. It's okay to do things one at a time." Pattie said.

I nodded.

"So we're looking at the engagement party first." Aisha smiled. "I can't wait for that. Pattie showed me some of her ideas. They're amazing."

"Really?" I said.

"Uh-huh. The all white theme is really classy. I love it."

I simply smiled.

I didn't know what bizarre plans Pattie had in her mind and I hoped they weren't too much.

As if she was reading my mind, Pattie went into telling me a few of the details of her party plan.

"I thought of having the party here, in the backyard. I've already spoken to some professional planners and it's totally doable and it'll look stunning. Aisha's helping with the decor, I've got a catering company ready to help... It's going to be a fairytale, Dileah. All you have to do is show up and have fun."

Love Wholeheartedly | JB| a.u | BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now