Chapter 20

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I stood there watching the girls as my sister left. Aria and Liana we're spinning and laughing. How was I so blessed with such good friends?

"Erm." Mikey and Calum cleared their throats.
"Hey guys." I said smiling. "What's up?"
"Do-" Mikey started before choking up.
"Do they still like us or even..." Calum filled in.
"Yeah." I replied nodding. "They love you guys."

I heard the boys sigh in relief. Then Ashton and Luke appeared and I avoided eye contact.

"They look so weird." Ashton laughed.

Aria's royal blue hair was whipped up into a messy bun and Liana was laughing as she tried to get her own hair out of her face.

"Dammit." Michael muttered covering his face.
"Don't." Luke warned.
"No Luke! You don't! I'm done!" Michael spat. His face was contorted in pain. "Letting her go was the stupidest thing I have ever done."

Mikey then walked outside us all behind him. Aria stopped dancing and looked at him. She looked gorgeous. Michael cautiously walked across the yard to her. When he walked up he hesitated but Aria wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm so sorry. I was stupid. I'm- Losing you-" Michael choked.
"Shh don't cry." Aria whispered whipping his tears with her thumbs.
"I love you Aria St.Clair." Michael whispered into her hair.
"I love you too, Michael Clifford." Aria said before connecting their lips.

They kissed passionately in the rain before Michael hoisted Aria up. Aria instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to the safely and shelter of the porch. Liana followed behind them with a smile on her face. She was happy for Aria.

"Erm. Lia can I talk to you?" Calum asked shyly.

Liana hesitated. Aria got down and muttered "don't hate me" before shoving Liana at Calum.

"I guess that's a yes." She laughed softly. Calum and Liana walked inside. Mikey wrapped his arms around Aria as if to protect her from the monsters that lurked in the night.

Calum and Liana returned minutes later and from the way they looked and touched each other, they had gotten back together.

I was happy for them. So happy that I pushed down my own sorrows. They deserved this and I knew it.

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