Chapter 12

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I sat in bed with tear filled eyes. I couldn't believe that Luke had ended it with me. I wasn't sure if we were ever really "official" but I felt like we were. I let hot tears roll down my cheeks.


I quickly wiped up my tears as the girls walked in. Aria had a huge smile on her face.

"Hey guys." I gulped.
"We are going to dye our hair!" Liana squealed.
"Well I'm going to dye you guys." Aria corrected.
"She doesn't trust us to do it ourselves." Liana confessed.
"Well. I used to always dye my hair with... Never mind. I'm just more experienced." Aria sniffled. She then shook her head and plastered a small smile on her face. "Lets get started."

We made our way into the bathroom and started the process. We had to bleach our hair to get the dye in. Liana and I only had a streak of royal blue while Aria dyed her whole head. I had protested but Aria insisted saying that she was getting tired of her natural color and that it was time for a change. I was worried, however, that dying her hair would remind her of Michael. The process went smoothly and when it was all done we stood in the bathroom mirror. I marveled at my streak. I felt so rebellious and I had no idea why. Liana looked happy with her streak. She was absentmindedly playing with her hair and trying new little hairstyles that made her streak look killer cool. Aria looked amazing. Her whole head was a beautiful royal blue color and it complimented her light skin tone. Then again Aria had looked good with every hairstyle I had seen her with.

"You guys." I cried.
"Smile!" Liana cried cheerfully before snapping a picture. I watched her hastily post it on Instagram.
"What shall we do?" I asked.
"Over the next month we will make memories even if you don't remember them. Because in the end Aria and I will and we can help you remember." Liana nodded.
Aria then pulled out a camera. She smiled. "Hey its Aria and Lia and Ali and we are making a video journal to remember good things in our lives."

I smiled up at the camera. I was going to be okay.

Oh Darling (l.h)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora