Chapter 7

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When I woke up I felt something warm and hard pressed against me.

HOLY CREAM PUFFS! Luke! And he was shirtless. Ah. Ah. Ah. Hormones.  Mm boy nice abs.

"Good morning." Luke said in his husky morning voice.
"Good morning." I croaked. Oh wow I sounded like an old man.
"Hey sweetie. I scheduled the doctor for today and- oh.... Hey Luke." My mother said walking in. She smirked at me.
I instantly turned red. "Thanks mom. I'll get up in a minute."
"No it's okay it's not until later. Enjoy yourself." My mom smirked.
"Oh god that's so embarrassing." I moaned as she walked out of the room. I buried my head into Luke's chest. His shirtless chest.
"Haha nah. It's cute." Luke laughed.


----fast forward in life----

We drove up to the doctors. I nervously twiddled my thumbs. My mother just smiled at me.

Blah blah blah test test test. Okay so we ended up in the doctors room after a couple brain scanny thingys. We sat in Dr. Hue's office.

"Hello. I'm so sorry." Was the first thing he said.

Well that promises great things for the future.

"What's wrong?" My mother asked cautiously.
"You have a brain tumor called Glioblastoma." Dr. Hue said.
"What?" I said softly. Panic and more panic set in.
"Can it be removed?" My mother said softly. She gripped my hand.
"Yes but surgery can cause memory loss, brain damage and even death." He said calmly.
"So I'm doomed." I sobbed.
"No there is a 4% chance that you will be perfectly unharmed." Dr. Hue informed us.
"So I'm doomed. I have the worst luck ever." I pouted. I felt tears prick my eyes.
"Sweetie how about you wait outside while I get all the information." My mother soothed.

I nodded and ran out. I made my way to the bathroom and locked myself in the biggest stall and sank to the ground. Tears pushed their way out of my eyes. I thought of everyone I loved and how much pain I would cause. I took out my phone.

"Hey Liana?" I croaked through the phone.
"Yes?!" She replied overly happy.
"Wait. What's up?!" I questioned.
"Cal like officially asked me out! Like I mean I knew he liked me but we never like made it official and-" Her voice was cut out by a muffled voice.
"Who's that?" I sniffed.
"It's Aria. Hold on I'm putting you on speaker- OW! Aria jeez I'm going hold on!" Liana shrieked.
"Hi!" Came Aria's voice.
"Hey Aria." I smiled. Those two were weird.
"What's wrong?" Aria said softly.
"Nothing. Liana continue." I croaked.
"Liar." Aria hissed. I could feel her disapproving glare through the phone.
"Tell us." Liana said softly.
"I-I went to the doctors about my head." I said, tears wanting to flow down my face.
"We will be right over." Liana said firmly.
"Okay." I sniffed before hanging up the phone.

How was I going to tell them?

A/N: Sorry for the feels. The tumor might have a different way to be removed I'm not sure it's just I'm not going to google into too much detail because that stuff freaks me out. :/

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