Chapter 5

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I woke up. The room was dark and my head seemed to want to burst. I could hear the thump of music downstairs and then it hit me: the party!

"Shh." A voice whispered from besides me.
"Luke?" My voice was hoarse.
"No." The voice said slightly offended. "It's your sister."
"Mandy?" I croaked.
"Yes?" Mandy replied irritated.
"Where's Luke?" I coughed.
"He's getting you some water." She said. She rubbed her hand soothingly on my head.
"What happened-" I started to say before a bright light blinded me.
"Aagh!" I hissed.
"Sorry! Sorry!" Luke's voice whispered frantically.
"Drink." Mandy cooed to me in a slightly demanding sister tone.
"What happened-" I tried again.
"I swear if you don't drink!" Mandy threatened.

I signed and sipped the water careful not to get it on Liana's outfit. My head had questions spinning around. What happened? Where is everyone? What's up with my head? When did Mandy get here? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
I winced. Okay maybe thinking wasn't smart.

"Stop thinking you will just hurt yourself even more." Mandy sighed and stroked my head.
"How-" I started.
"Did I get here? Apparently you like died and Luke called me." Mandy replied calmly
"Where is-"
"Everyone else? They got you up here and went back to the party. They wanted to stay until you woke up."
"Happened? Well somebody drugged you obviously."
"Up with your head? It doesn't like drugs very much."
"Happening? Well I think we have established that already."
"How the hell..." Luke gasped looking at us.
"It's twin telepathy... Duh stupid." Mandy scoffed.
"So weird so weird." Luke muttered to himself. I felt the bed dip besides me. I knew it was Luke by his smell... Not creepy.
"Hi." I whispered.
"I'm so sorry." Luke choked.
"You should be." Mandy gibed.
"Mandy!" I cried slapping her.
"Feisty. I'll leave you two alone. No sex please this isn't your bed." Mandy said getting up.

I'm happy it was relatively dark to cover up my major blush. Gosh Mandy thanks for that.

"I wouldn't be having sex if I had a headache... Duh stupid." I mocked her at the end. Luke just chuckled.
"No sex then?" He laughed as Mandy closed the door.

I blushed even harder. His easy-going flirting was going to give me a heart attack. And it didn't help that he was literally right next to me. I could feel his muscles rub up against my arm in probably the sexiest way ever.

"Hey Ali?" Luke asked.
"Are you dying?"
"Excuse me?"
"Well your heart is beating really fast." Oh snap.
"Probably the drugs."
"No I don't think-"
"Shut up, Luke. It's the drugs."

We laid there, side by side, for what seemed like hours.

"Hey Ali?"

"Yeah, Luke?"

"Can I confess something?"

"Of course you can."

"Well, I don't know how you feel but I-" Luke's voice was cut off by a sharp knock on the door. The door opened and I groaned and covered my eyes instantly.

"You look awful." A voice laughed. It was quickly followed by an "Ow!"

And a, "Mikey! At least she doesn't get drunk."

"I'm not drunk." Whined the voice.

"Ugh. You two just shut up. Ali we need to get you home." Said another voice who I assumed was Liana.

Thats how the rest of my night went. I was helped downstairs and out to the car. I puked on the front lawn. Then I almost puked in the car but Ashton threatened me. So, he got hit in the back of the head with a shoe. Lets just say that I made it home relatively alive. The girls helped me get ready for bed and then Luke tucked me in and kissed my forehead.


"Yes Alice?" He replied yawning.

"What were you going to say earlier?"

"That-that can wait for another time. I will tell you... I promise." And with that he left.

I fell asleep that night with a pounding headache and a single thought flashed in my brain before I fell asleep.

Well this won't end well.

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