Chapter 4

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A/N: Sorry if there is any errors but just deal with it.

I sat down on the curb waiting for Liana. She had texted me a moment ago saying she would be here.

"Come on!" She called from across the lot.

"Okay!" I scurried across the lot and into her car. We drove to her house.

"I'm home." She called. She threw her bag onto a chair and motioned for me to follow her upstairs. "So usually for a party you wear darker colors."

I nodded and started looking through her closet.

"Here." She threw me a top. Since I already had black leggings on I decided I would just need a socially acceptable top.

"Okay." I said. I slipped on the top. It was a black top that had the words demons written across the top.

"You look amazing." Liana smiled warmly. Then again so did she. She had pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black crop top that had her band logo.

"You look better." I complimented. She just blushed and glanced at her phone. "Okay we are meeting up at the boys place."

I nodded in agreement and followed her into the hall where I met a girl.

"Watch out! I just painted my nails!" The girl cried in horror.

"Alice this is Chastity." Lia sighed.

Chastity gave me a judging look before turning to Lia. "You could do better."

"And you could get an attitude change." Lia replied.

"Mhm. You're just jealous because I am more popular." Chastity smirked.

"And you're lucky I don't run you over work my car. Also who is the one going to a party?" Lia smirked before pulling me past a fuming Chastity.

~~flash forward to boys house~~

We knocked politely on the door. Ashton opened it with a smile.

"hey ladies. Ari is upstairs." Ashton smiled before returning to his place on the couch.

We nodded and made our way upstairs. We found Aria in her and Mikey's room in the bathroom doing her hair.

"Hey!" She smiled noticing us in the mirror reflection.
"hey!" Lia and I said in unison.

Aria looked amazing. She had a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans on and a red tank top that flowed in the coolest way.

"You look amazeballs." Liana laughed.

"Thanks darling." Aria smiled. Moments later Michael entered the bedroom. He poked his head in the bathroom and smiled.

"Hey." He nodded to us and gave Aria a quick peck on the forehead. She smiled at this. They were so cute.

"Do you know where my black Rolling Stones shirt is?" Michael asked returning to the bedroom.

"Bottom drawer on the left." Aria said simply. She sighed and pulled her hair up into a messy bun.

"Thanks babe." Michael called.

Aria spun around and stood up. She pulled on a pair of black combat boots before turning to us. "Ready?"

Liana and I looked at each other with smiles evident on our faces. "Yesssss."

Aria smirked and led us to the hall. We slowly made our way down the stairs. Michael was playing a game on his phone and Ashton was channel surfing.

"Where are the others?" I asked. I hadn't seen Luke or Calum.

"They are meeting us there." Ashton said standing up. "You ladies ready?"

"We're ready." I smiled.

"Mm. Poor Lukey." Michael sighed. He grinned at me.

"What?" I asked.

Liana and Aria both let out loud sighs and gave the boys dirty looks.

"You look hot." Ashton smirked before herding us out the door.

We all got in the car and jammed out to several songs. Of course Beyonce came on. Single ladies blared through the car and the girls rocked out.

Then Mikey turned and looked directly at Aria. "You. Aren't. Single."

Aria laughed and pecked him on the lips. "Im supporting my girls."

"I am very single." Ashton said from the front.

We all laughed and danced along to every song that came on the radio. We could hear the music from the party getting louder and louder until we appeared at the front door. I was cautious to enter the house. I had already found a handful of drunk teenagers and I wasn't very keen to see more drunk teens grinding on each other. Once we entered it wasn't hard to find Luke and Calum. They were surrounded by a large amount of girls. Calum noticed us first and his eyes widened as he look in Liana. She did look amazing. Luke however... Was a different story.
Luke was surrounded by every kind of girl and he seemed to be enjoying himself. I didn't notice our little group was making our way over until Aria grabbed me by the wrist.

"Somebody come dance with me." She pleaded. We all shook our heads. What we didn't know was she would go and dance on her own. Let me say something now. That girl can dance.
"If I could move my hips like that I'd be out there with her." Ashton laughed.

Then Shut Up and Dance came on and I knew that I had to dance with Aria. I grabbed Liana's hand and started to drag her towards the floor.

"What are we doing?" She complained.
"We are dancing to the best song in the universe." I said sternly.
Aria noticed us and left the group of guys that was attempting to dance with her. "I knew you had some spunk in you." She laughed.
I laughed and shook my head. "You two are horrible influences."
"But you love us!" Liana laughed.

We all danced for like 20 songs when Aria elbowed me hard in the gut.

"Crap. Aria. What the-" I groaned.
"No look like you are having fun." Liana hissed spinning me.
"Are you guys going to kidnap me?!" I squealed.
"No silly!" Aria laughed.
"Luke is watching." Liana whispered softly.
So, Aria poked me.
"I can't look attractive if you're stabbing me!" I laughed.
"You are laughing now. Aria. STAB HER!" Liana squealed.

Let's just say I was stabbed several times that night.


I don't know and I didn't want the night to end like this. The last thing I remembered was taking a sip out of my cup. Then a thundering pain in my head, Luke looking terrified and very angry and then Aria and Liana screaming. I fell. But I was caught. The last thing I saw was a mop of blonde before my life just seemed to end.

Hey. So um hi. Updates will be updated as often as possible but life is a slippery noodle so yeah. Love you all!


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