Chapter 45: The final battle (Part 1)

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3rd persons P.O.V

The teams eyes all widened as frost giant after frost giant climbed through the several portals dotted down the street. Adrienne, Loki and Narfí we're all standing onto of a flat not to far away, watching the scene unfold. No citizen was around for they had all evacuated the day before, after a warning of the up coming 'problem'.

"Your call Captain!" Bucky yelled as the team stood in a circle, back to back. Tony, Thor, The Hulk, Natasha, Clint, Deanna, Bucky, Steve and Beth all watched, waiting for a plan to be brought up.

"You don't have a plan do you?" Bethany asked, looking up to the Super Soldier. Steve opened his mouth to say something, but then shook his head in defeat. The team were completely clueless on how to approach the situation. Sure, they had fought off frost giants before but not hundreds at once.

"Well we can't touch them!" Thor yelled. "Their touch will give you frost bite, painful frost bite!"

"Words to live by since we're about to fight frost giants!" Clint exclaimed, spitting out the word frost. Natasha rolled her eyes and slapped her husbands head before turning to the Captain and Angel.

"Your call guys, we can't go in there blind." The red head called. Everyone turned to face the pair, hoping for one of them to have some form of plan. Suddenly Deanna perked up, grabbed Bucky's arm and dragged him away from the group.

"Hey! Where are you two going?!" Steve yelled, but it was too late. The pair had disappeared around a corner.

"Well that wasn't weird at all." Tony remarked.

"Okay, we're going to have to go in there blind. Only Thor knows how to fight these things." Steve finally said.

"It won't be easy for mortals." Thor replied.

"We can do, just tell us what to watch out for." Beth said, her eyes watching as the frost Giants began advancing towards them, the portals finally empty of the stream of enemies.

"Don't let them touch you and be careful of their hands. They can change them into weapons like spears." Thor listed off. "Other than that, I think you're okay."

"Thanks Thor." Steve nodded. "Thor, Tony, Angel I want you all in the sky. Take them out from above. Natasha, Clint, you're staying down here with me. If needed Clint I want you on top of a building, but not instantly. And Hulk, smash."

"What about Bucky and Deanna?" Bethany asked as her wings unfolded from behind her.

"I'll think of something!" Steve yelled as all seven team members dived into the fight.


On the roof the family of three was watching the chaos with smiles, they knew they had the upper hand. "When can we join in?" Narfí asked, excited to finally be aloud to fight along side his parents.

"Soon Narfí." Adrienne replied. "Just let the frost giants do there jobs first."

"Don't worry we are not expecting them to last long." Loki added. "Although the Avengers are inexperienced fighting the frost giants they are still strong." The youngest God huffed slightly but nodded his head, before turning back to watch the fight down on the street unfold.


Meanwhile Deanna and Bucky had finally stopped around ten streets away from the battle. The male followed closely as Deanna opened a shop door and stepped inside. The shop, was a weapons store, with guns and knives hanging from the walls. Hunting gear and tents were also scattered along the walls.

Deanna continued walking, leading Bucky to the back of the shop. There lay a backpack with two guns attached to it and two smaller guns beside it. "Deanna we aren't going camping in the middle of a battle." James said as the blonde handed him the backpack and rolled her eyes at his remark.

"It's a flame thrower backpack you idiot. The enemy is made of ice, ice melts." Deanna replied as she picked up the two guns. "And these are guns modified to release fire instead of bullets." She continued as Bucky pulled on the backpack.

"How did you know these were here?" He asked as Deanna slipped the guns into two holsters and attached them to her legs.

"What do you think I do in my free time out the tower?" The blonde asked. "But don't worry I had them shipped over from New York."

"You made these?"

"With a little help from the guy who owns the shop yeah." Deanna nodded as they left the shop. "Ever since our first battle with frost giants three years ago I've been planing and experimenting to makes these. I had a feeling we'd be fighting them again." Bucky nodded in approval as they began to jog back to the battle.

"Oh!" James exclaimed, grabbing Deanna's hand and pulling her to a stop. The blonde raised an eyebrow and looked up (literally) at the brunette male. "I want you to promise me something."

"Depends what it is."

"Promise me you'll be careful."

"James, we're about to go into battle with frost giants, and three people with powers who crave power!" Deanna exclaimed. "And you want me to promise to be careful?"

"Yes I want you to promise to be careful."

"Even if I did I can guarantee you that I wouldn't be able to keep it." Deanna argued. "Look we've both been in worse battle than this and we both know we can't promise our safety."

"Deanna please just promise me you'll be careful." The Winter Soldier begged, his hand squeezing hers.

"I can't do that and you know I can't James!" Deanna yelled. "I'll be fine, I don't need protecting, I can take care of myself."

"You say that every time."

"Because I can! I've been trained James, I know what I'm doing." Deanna softened her tone as she pulled away from the brunette. "Just trust me." With that Deanna spread her wings and took off to the sky, leaving a bewildered and slightly angry Sargent behind.

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