Chapter 9: New files

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Deanna's P.O.V

"Don't make me tell you again Barton, I'm fine." I growled out as the man in front of me kept peppering me with questions.

"Fine?!" He exclaimed, his voice rising and getting higher. "You've just taken on the Winter Soldier, you are anything but fine."

"Am I dead?" He shook his head. "No exactly I'm fine. Now please go and check on the new Agents, Bruce and Sofia I need to go and help tidy up the office. Take Nat with you." I pointed to the red head who had just appeared at the end of the corridor before slipping away.

It took me only a minuet to get to the office, a journey at normal walking pace that would take around three at the least. Before I pushed open the door I took a few breaths, cleaning up was never my favourite thing to do and I was not impressed as to why I had to clean the office.

Opening the door I saw Beth already in their,her desk now in the right place and the right way up. Her chair had also been moved back to the correct place and some of the papers near her desk had been picked up. As I entered the brunette looked up from the filing cabinet she was sorting out and sighed.

"It's going to be a long afternoon."

"You're tell me." My mumbled reply must have been heard because Beth nodded towards me and then turned back to what she was doing. With another sigh I walked over to my own desk and hauled it up, the dark wood heavier them when I first moved it into the office.

Once the desk was back in place I grabbed my chair and wheeled it behind the desk. Suddenly, a pile of baby was placed on my desk as I hauled my book cased back up. "These aren't ours." Beth said slowly, her voice sounded dark. "They didn't take anything, they gave us something."

My hands moved from the book case and I made my way over to the papers, spreading them out along the oak top. Scanning over the file names I read them aloud. "James Barnes, Adrienne Laufeyson (Horton), Loki Laufeyson, Narfí Laufeyson." I blinked a few times.

"The Winter Soldier gave us files of our enemies, and an extra. Whoever Narfí is." Beth whispered gravely. Flipping open 'Narfí's' file I quickly read over the family information and gasped slightly. Although there was no picture I could ruffle imagine what he should look like.

"He's the son of Loki and Adrienne." I hissed, throwing his file up against the wall. "They have a kid!" My shouts must have been loud because before I could say anything else the door flew open and the team all came running in, panicked looks covering all their faces.

"What's wrong?" Natasha asked, ignoring the mess still littered across the floor.

"Sargent Barnes left us some files with information." Beth answered, picking up the file I had thrown across the room. "Turns out Loki and Adrienne are married and have a son named Narfí."

"My brother is married?" Thor questioned, his head tilting ever so slightly.

"With a kid?" Tony added.

"Yes and that kid is going to be the end of us all unless we kill him while he's still young!" I growled, my chair now being thrown across the room in my rage.


"He's going to have both their powers." Beth cut Steve off. "Adrienne and Loki are strong on their own anyway so their powers combined is going to be a disaster." Everyone fell silent and stared at the file in Beth's hands.

"Well fuck." Clint broke the silence.

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