Chapter 21: Getting out

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Bethany's P.O.V

After explaining everything that had happened, we all fell into an awkward silence. Pepper was still trying to get her head around everything while the rest of us mulled over what had actually happened. It was still shock to me and I was in a state of refusal, refusing to believe that the base and fifty Agents had been blown up.

"We need to go." Deanna suddenly spoke, making me jump slightly.

"What?" Sofia asked, taking the question out of mine (and most likely everyone else's) mouth.

"We need to get out of New York, America even!" Deanna exclaimed, jumping to her feet.

"Why would that help us?" I asked, leaning back and resting against the wall.

"I give it two hours until Fury is informed about what happened." Deanna began to explain. "As soon as he does he's coming for our heads Beth. Not only that but we still need time to work out more of HYDRAs bases, I found more of Agent Ingley's DVD's in my room."

"I guess you're right." I murmured. "Not only that but we also need to find Adrienne, Loki and their son."

"So what do you suggest we do?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Everyone pack your bags with everything you need, James we can get you clothes when we get there but if you can fit into Steve's clothes then that will have to do for now." Deanna began. "We'll go on Starks jet if you don't mind Tony."

"Not at all, but where are we going may I ask." Tony replied.

"England." I replied without thinking. Deanna looked at me and nodded. "Although it will be one of the first places Fury goes after America, but it will take him a while and giving us the advantage."

"That's all we need for now, a small leverage above the Director." Deanna continued. "Pepper you're coming to, we can't risk you being on the end of Fury's rage."

"Where are we going to stay in England?" Natasha asked, "You two don't have a house anymore."

"There's bound to be a big enough house cheap enough to begin with." Bruce said. "If we all chipped in-"

"I'll pay for it." Tony butted in. "I've always wanted a holiday home in England."

"No you don't." I muttered. "Weather is terrible." With small chuckles everyone departed to their floors, ready to pack their things. Me and Deanna were the last ones in the room, both frozen in place. "What's wrong?" I asked, noticing the down cast look on the blondes face.

"I'm sorry." She murmured.

"Sorry for to what?" I questioned. "You've done nothing wrong."

"If I could have into opened the doors I could have disabled the bomb." She replied sadly. "That way everyone would be alive and Fury wouldn't be after our heads."

"It wasn't your fault." I insisted. "Come on let's go and pack quickly so we can get out of here." She nodded and walked down the stairs, still refusing to take the elevator to her room. Rolling my eyes I entered the elevator and clicked the floor my room was on, waiting patiently.

As I waited I thought about the situation we were now in. We were running away from our boss in order to complete a mission. At last check you were meant to work with your boss to complete a mission, especially in an organisation like S.H.E.I.L.D. But I guess we work differently huh?

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