Chapter 15: First try

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3rd persons P.O.V

The Avengers, Bethany, Deanna and Sofia all sat in the girls office, all of them tired. Deanna had spent the last few hours hacking into the main S.H.E.I.L.D database along with Tony while Bethany and Steve were writing down everything they could about Sargent James Barnes.

Bruce, Sofia and Thor had all been thinking of a way to precent all the information to the Winter Soldier while the two master assassins had been keeping an eye on the prisoner. "Done!" Deanna and Tony yelled five hours after starting, Tony jumping from his seat.

"Sending it all to you now Beth." Deanna said, adding the files they had found to an email and sending it to the brunette across the room.

"So now we have three different sets of information on Bucky." Steve said. "How are we presenting them to him?"

"The best way would most likely be for either one of to tell him while sitting in front of him or giving him the files." Bruce said.

"Well with the girls, when they remembered they freaked." Clint said. "So if we go off that the best thing to do would be to have one of us in there."

"However he could still lash out at whoever is in there so then the best way would switch to just giving him the files." Natasha added.

"I say just give him the files and if that doesn't work someone goes in." Deanna shrugged. "Let's be fair the only way that ones not going to work is if he rips it us but I think he'd be to curios to do that."

"I'll print everything out then." Beth said. "I'd rather him rip up paper than attack anyone." After printing everything off Beth slipped all the paper into a file and handed the file to Sofia. "Slip that under the door to conference room 4 quickly please Miss Donald then come back."

Sofia nodded and scampered off as Deanna pulled up the feed from inside the room. The Winter Soldier was pacing once again, just like how he spent most of his time in the room. Being in such a small room didn't seem to faze the brunette male, however the constant pacing fazed everyone else.

The group watched as the file came sliding from the other side of the door. The noise seemed to startle the man slightly and his pacing stopped. The Winter Soldier stared at the file for a moment before slowly making his way over to it. He picked it up and flipped it over.

After checking for anything suspicious The Winter Soldier opened the file and began to read. Everyone in the office (including Sofia who was now back) watched as he flicked the sheets over a few times and read everything over closely. His facial expression did change one bit as he finished.

"It didn't work." Bruce murmured, watching as the brunette male threw the file across the room carelessly.

"Now what do we do?" Thor questioned, his arms folded over his chest.

"I don't know." Bethany sighed, throwing her head back.

"At the moment the only way he seems to remember is when he's hurt, after being beat up." Tony said, smirking over to the small blonde who was curled up on her chair with her eyes closed.

"What are you suggesting Stark?" Steve asked "That we get Deanna to beat him up again because I don't agree."

"Why does it have to be Deanna who does it?" Bethany asked. "Why can't you do it Steve? That way you won't hurt him as much because you know how he fights."

"It has to be me because no one else will do it." Deanna spoke up. "None of you will do it because you don't want to get hurt and Steve won't let you. Steve won't do it because Sargent Barnes was once his friend. I on the other hand really don't give a shit and Steve doesn't control me."

"You aren't going to attack him." Steve argued.

"Are we really doing this again?" Bethany asked rubbing her temples.

"I only need to do it once more, we only need a bit more information that he might have when he first snapped back to his 1940s self." Deanna replied, her eyes still closed.


"Do what you need to Mockingbird." Bethany cut Steve off. "But it will have to be after our training session with the Agents."

"That's fine by me." The blonde shrugged.



I've just realised how much Deanna's personality changes form one situation to another. This is because she's had to change herself drastically in order to become the leader along side Bethany, something she isn't used to due to her normal hyper attitude.

So she's trying to get hold of the bad girl persona in order to take charge over people, but it doesn't stay that way. Her bubbly side is still there so they often clash and makes it hard for Deanna to keep one persona up, but it isn't bipolar.

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