Chapter 20: James meet the Avengers

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3rd persons P.O.V

Tony reached the Avengers Tower and landed softly on the roof, he suit removing itself from him as he walked inside. Once inside the billionaire hurried down to the main living room, knowing that's were the others would be waiting. Sure enough Bethany, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Sofia and Thor were all sitting in silence.

"Well don't you all seem happy after escaping a falling building." Tony exclaimed, making his presence known loudly. Everyone jumped and turned to him, all of them with a shimmer of relief behind their eyes. However that didn't last long when Clint asked;

"Where are the others?"

"On their way!" Tony replied, making his way over to the bar. "At least I hope they are."

"What do you mean at least you hope they are?" Bethany asked, raising to her feet. The young brunette had changed from her Angel outfit and into leggings and a blue t-shirt, her hair up in a high ponytail and black socks without shoes on her feet.

"Well when Deanna told me to inform you all that we were alive we all were." Tony replied. "And the Winter Soldier seems to be acting like Sargent Barnes again."

"So that doesn't seem like a problem." Sofia said hopefully.

"No but we don't know if HYDRA Agents were waiting to attack or if the fire spread before they could get away." Tony replied.

"Your faith in us really helps my spirt up guys!" A female voice all but sang. "HYDRA can't get rid of us that easily."

"Mockingbird!" Bethany yelled, running over to embrace her blonde friend as she walked though the door.

"Angel!" Deanna replied with a smile. "And everyone else!" Chuckles echoed around the room as the small blonde skipped inside and embraced everyone else like she hasn't seen them in years. Just then Steve and James walked in; chatting, laughing and smiling.

"Sargent Barnes?" Bethany called. The brunette male looked up and smiled.

"Yes?" He asked, not to sure who had called his name.

"Nice to have you back." Bethany stepped forward and held out her hand. "I'm Bethany Lloyd, also know as Angel." James stepped forward and took the females hand, shaking it once.

"I've seen you once before." He muttered. "I just can't place where."

"You worked together in HYDRA." Steve said. "When you had both been turned evil." Bethany shuddered.

"Can we not talk about that?" She asked. "Still makes me cringe."

"Sorry." Steve apologised, bowing his head slightly.

"Anyway why don't you meet the rest of the team!" Bethany broke the awkward silence before it could set it.

"Natasha Barton, Black Widow."

"Clint Barton, Hawkeye."

"Bruce Banner, erm the Hulk I guess."

"Tony Stark, Ironman."

"Thor Odinson, God of Thunder."

"Sofia Donald, I'm just a scientist."

"You know me." Steve chuckled. "And Beth was the first to introduce herself."

"Where'd baby bird get to?" Tony asked, looking around for the only team member missing.

"Is she the small blonde one?" James asked. "The one you called Mockingbird?"

"Yeah that's-" A scream cut Bethany off, making everyone freeze. Nothing happened for a few seconds until Pepper came running into the room covered in what looked like flour. A giggle the echoed around the room before Deanna stumbled in clutching her sides.

The young blonde was now in black leggings and a pink t-shirt, her feet were bare and hair down with water droplets dripping from the end. "I'm-so- sorry Pepper." She giggled, trying to hold her laughter in. "That one wasn't my fault but it was funny."

"Then who put flour above the door ?" Pepper asked, looking around at everyone in the room before her eyes fell upon James. "Oh hello." She greeted. "I'm Pepper Potts, Tony's PA."

"Nice to meet you Miss Potts." James greeted with a warm smile.

"Now is anyone going to answer my question?" Pepper demanded.

"That might have been me before we left for the base." Clint admitted, holding on of his hands up. "I think it's from the prank war we had going on before we left."

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." Deanna laughed. "I'm still going to win."

"Why are you here anyway?" Pepper asked. "What happened to the base?" Everyone fell silent.

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