Chapter 3: Office work

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Bethany's P.O.V

"Why did we agree to this?" I asked, looking up from the pile of reports I had gotten off Agents from our last mission before training began. I was sat at my desk in the large office me and Deanna shared. We preferred it this way, we didn't have to run through the corridors to inform one another of our findings.

Across from my desk was Deanna's desk. They were the same dark oak wood with black leather chairs behind them and paper work stacked on top of them. In the centre of the room was a larger table that was mostly empty, except when we asked J.A.R.V.I.S to project a 3D model onto it.

The table itself was also touch screen so we often also used maps to check different countries for HYDRA bases. Along with the desks and table, two book case stood tall behind my desk, full of all the history books I could get my hands on, they often came in handy when there was nothing to do.

Behind Deanna's desk was also two book cases, hers filled with books on different fighting techniques. Most of them came from Clint, who insisted we could use them but Deanna didn't really touch them other than we she first read them all. There was also a chandelier hanging above the table.

Currently I was sitting on my chair up my desk reading over all the reports and signing them, correcting any wrong information or added more to vague information. Deanna has wheeled her chair over to the table in the centre and was looking over a 3D model of the typical HYDRA facility.

"Why did we agree to what?" My blonde friend asked, reaching forward and zooming in on the entrance to the facility she was looking over.

"To this! Why did we agree to take over a base and have Agents under our names! That was the one thing we refused to do when we first started. We refused to have people die under our names." I reminded her as my eyes scanned over the twentieth file I had read that day.

"Did we really have a choice?" Deanna answered my earlier question with a question. "We were given this mission by Agent Ingley, then handed this base by Fury to control the mission from." She spun her chair to face me. "We are now the leaders, we didn't have a choice in the matter."

"Why ask a question then answer it?" I questioned, quickly signing my name at the bottom of the page.

"Just to put it into my perspective then explain it." She shrugged, wincing as she stood to her feet and pushed her chair back to her desk. Watching her closely I waited for her to pull out two pain killers from her desk draw and down them with water before walking back over to the table.

"Did Clint really hit you that hard?" The question tumbled from my mouth before I could stop it. The small blonde scowled at me before going back to her own business, effectively dismissing the conversation between us. Sighing at my friend I continued my own work, letting the room dip into silence.

It was an hour later when I finally finished everything I was supposed to do, after checking all the Agents reports I had to write one of my own that took a while. Looking up I noticed Deanna was now sitting on the edge of the table, her right knee crossed over her left one.

Her eyes were watching the 3D image of the HYDRA building carefully as she analysed every detail of its design. It was only in that moment I noticed how mature she had gotten since we were assigned all the Agents and the mission. Although appearance hadn't changed her personality defiantly had.

"Well it's lunch time, are you coming?" I asked as I stood up and stretched, my spin cracking as I did so. When Deanna didn't answer me I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder, only to have no response once again. "Deanna?" I called, clicking my fingers in front of her face.

Coming to the decision she was too caught up in thought to respond I left the office and made my way down to cafeteria. Everyone was already here, sitting in their own little groups and filling all the tables. The Avengers and Sofia sat on the table furthest from the door, with two open seats most likely for me and Deanna.

After grabbing a cheese sandwich and a bottle of water I made my way over to the table and took a seat beside Steve, who smiled widely at me. "How's office work treating you?" Sofia asked with a grin. They all knew that neither of us were looking forward to the paper work side of the job.

"Fun." I replied sarcastically. "But we are enjoying the holographic and touch screen tablet, thanks Tony."

"My pleasure." The billionaire replied with a small nod.

"Where is Deanna?" Clint asked with a raised eyebrow. Copying his actions I swallowed the water I had drank and answered;

"Still up in the office, she's busy."

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