Chapter 35: Don't stress

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Bethany's P.O.V

"We're alive aren't we?" Deanna asked.

"You blew your cover!" Bucky argued back.

"But we're fine!" Deanna yelled. "We're alive and got all the information we needed!"

"You could of died!" Bucky shouted.

"But we didn't!" Deanna pretty much growled. "Not only that but news flash James. We're stronger than we look, we aren't little girls!"

"Deanna!" I yelled.

"Bucky!" Steve exclaimed.

"Stop it!" We both yelled in sync. It had been an hour since we had returned and informed everyone what had happened. Apparently that was a bad idea because since then Bucky and Deanna had been arguing about it.

"Look it's not a big deal." I said, rubbing my temple. "It was dangerous anyway, we knew the risk of them finding out and went along anyway."

"That no excuse for giving yourselves away, you didn't have any weapons!" Bucky exclaimed.

"It was an accident!" Deanna cried, "It's not my fault I got startled!"

"But was it your fault you were flirting with him?" The male questioned.

"Why do you care!" Deanna growled, running up the stairs. Seconds later the bedroom door slammed and shook the house. Bucky huffed and threw himself down onto one of the sofas, his hands over his face.

"Don't stress over it." Bruce assured the distressed soldier. "Deanna can be very feisty, especially when someone argues with the way she handles situations like that."

"Are you like that?" Sam asked, looking at me.

"Was I arguing?" I shot back, raising an eyebrow.

"Good point." Sam nodded.

"But Bruce is right." I continued, walking over and sitting next to the brunette male on the sofa. "Don't stress too much, she'll be over either tomorrow or later. And if she isn't then just stay clear otherwise you'll just be given the silent treatment."

"Making me feel so much better." Bucky muttered. Suddenly Deanna came running down the stairs dressed in her Mockingbird suit, the mask slid over her eyes. In her hands was the small sphere that contained her wings.

"Sam?" She questioned. "I wanna try and master this before we raid the next HYDRA base and save Pepper."

"I'll come too." I said jumping to my feet and jogging upstairs. After changing into my Angel costume I grabbed my own wings from the bedside table and skipped down the stairs and out into the back garden where Deanna and Sam were waiting, the blondes wings already spread.

After spreading my own wings we both turned to Sam silently. "Remember, thing about the wings flapping." He instructed. "Once they began moving jump slightly into the air and hover there for a few moments. After that land gently then we'll work on going higher."

"Little bit at a time this time round then?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, try not to hurt you or break any bones this time." Sam agreed.

"Meh I don't think anyone would care that much if we got a few bruises and cuts." Deanna shrugged, her voice dull. My eyebrow raised slightly but I shook it off as we began training, which was slightly easier than last time.

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