To Love - Chapter 2 - Captive

Start from the beginning

She saw Theoden say something to the men around her and Esme had to hide her frustration at being unable to hear hme. She saw men around her start gathering supplies from their packs atop their horses and spreading themselves throughout the clearing they were in. Esme realised that they were starting to make camp for the night. Having nothing but the clothes on her back and the weapons at her side, Esme didn't need to retrieve anything and just made her way to a secluded spot under some trees. Leaning against one of the tree's trunk, Esme watched the men as they ran around with supplies. After a few minutes, Legolas came and sat next to her, carrying two sleeping mats with him.

"Thank you," Esme said when Legolas offered her one. Esme fiddled with some grass as the two sat in silence, considering they couldn't talk under some circumstances.

Gandalf came to sit next her and Esme filled with fear and worry. She watched him in the corner of her eye as he made himself comfortable, retrieving his wind pipe from his coat and started to smoke. Esme was tense for the next few minutes as she waited for Gandalf to start speaking.

"Esme, my dear," She heard Gandalf's voice but she didn't see his lips move. "What has become of you?" Esme realised that he was speaking to her in her mind.

"And to what do you mean of that?" She thought back, not sure if he heard her.

"I mean, my dear, is what is the cause of the change in you since we had last seen each other. Don't think I haven't noticed."

Esme shook her head. "No, well I didn't doubt that you would have noticed a change about me. I thought it was about what Saruman did to me."

"And what did he do to you?"

"I thought you already knew because you're talking to me through our thoughts."

"I did do for privacy reasons. What has he done to you to cause you to expect this."

"Not expect. But I can't hear anything. Absolutely nothing."

Gandalf looked slightly taken aback. "I think it is an after effect of when Saruman tried to take over your mind earlier. No worries, you will be able to hear in few hours soon enough."

Esme shook her head. "No Gandalf, if you can, please help me. I need my hearing back, I need to hear." Gandalf looked hesitant. "Please Gandalf."

"I may be able to do something, but I think it may be a painful experience." Gandalf admitted.

"I'll be fine. I have experienced much pain in my lifetime, I can handle this." Esme stared deep in Gandalf's eyes, not breaking away to show that she really meant what she said.

"Alright, close your eyes." Esme's eyes closed and she felt his fingers on her temples. Nothing happened for seconds, until Gandalf muttered a few words that Esme couldn't hear, and a sudden pain filled her head. It felt like being struck by an axe in the head and Esme couldn't help but gasp in pain and clench her hair between her fingers. She felt arms wrap around her, but she barely noticed compared to the thumping against her skull. And as quick as it came, it was gone.

Esme opened her eyes and waited for her sight to clear. She could see Gandalf leaning over her, and Legolas' face from behind her. It was his arms around her.

"Thank you, Gandalf."

"You're welcome, my dear." Esme smiled when she could actually hear his voice, and lent away from Legolas' hold.

"What happened?" Legolas asked, when she faced him.

"Don't worry," Esme assured him. "Gandalf helped me to get my hearing back." Esme saw Merry and Pippin coming towards them, and she smiled at her companions.

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