I avoided the mirror when I turned to face him.

He got my shoes out from the wardrobe one by one. White bridal shoes with diamonds and he held open the strap so I eased my foot in elegantly unable to contain the smile.

"You're actually making me feel like a Disney princess Javier." He held open the other strap for the other shoe. "My handsome prince of cats."

He winked at me.

"I'm still scared." He shook his head. Don't be. "Suppose I better trust you." I stared down at my feet. "I don't trust tonight."

"Angelica the guests are there before you are." Sally shouted from outside my room. I rolled my eyes letting a huff of irritated air.

Aunt Gladys saved me. "Please Sally. You go to the party I will drive her there and she can make her grand entrance."

"Oh that's a good idea. Oh my God that's dazzling. But don't you dare bring that cat."

"He'll go where he pleases!" I teased. Then attached a bow tie around his neck. "Very smart." I grinned. "Oh Javier if only you were a man. Then maybe I could just fall in love with you."

~ 🎶 ~

I was dolled up. Dare I say hair on fleek? My hair was forced up into an uncomfortable bun that happened to make look exquisite if I was born in the Victorian era. All that was done to my face was a little bit of dark eye makeup and red lipstick. Blood red so it differed from my dress and around around my neck Sally suggested pearls but I had better idea. I wore a silver necklace of a pair of angel wings. The make up girls looked at me as if I was their Goddess and for a moment I let myself believe I was a queen straighten my position on my seat at the table. A rush flooded soothingly through my veins heating my blood and heightening my senses. For a moment I felt powerful but the feeling disappeared once the rush sunk away like a tide.

"Last but not least." Aunt Gladys opened up a blue velvet box that matched her royal blue dress and big dangly clip on earrings. Her eyes sparkled and a strand of her flaming red hair escaped her blue turban she wears with jewels and a long red feather. I stared into the box. The diamonds glistened.

"No way, I refuse."

"You will wear it. Or your mother will kill me."

I sighed and placed the tiara on my head. One of the make up girls brought out a hand mirror, I gazed away quickly. "Please put that away." The make up girl shared a weird expression with her friends. They shrugged it off.

Michael came up beside me. "Jelly's a princess."

"I feel foolish." I said.

"Well you're going to feel more foolish if we're there any later." Gladys got her car keys.

"I'd rather not go at all."

"Why?" She asked me.

"Because I don't need to flaunt my parent's wealth." Because I don't want to see him. Either of the angels or their sisters or brothers or gay friends or ex girlfriends. I jolted in my seat as my back acted up, daggers trying to pierce through the skin from the inside out.

"Angelica?" Gladys rushed to me grabbing my shoulders.

"I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth. "Let's go."

~ 🎶 ~

The house Sally hired for the night is much grander than our own, can you even consider it a house? It's practically like a grand palace! Gladys drove up the long driveway and I watched guests from my school hurry inside excited. That brought some ease to my nerves. Not everyone thinks I'm a spoiled princess. We rode round to the back of the meticulously designed estate and I heard the loud music and laughing as soon as I hopped out of Gladys' BMW. Javier followed on beside me not straying away curious though I can tell he really wants to.

I'd rather all of this be for someone else, say Nicole! She lives for this kind of attention. She would die a happy girl if her life was this happening.

I groaned. She's going to be here to pick on everything from the building to the drinks. Her and Henry oh God...

"What was even the theme for this party? School formal?" I turned around to lean in through the car window.

Gladys stated in a rush. "Angelica we'll be inside but your mother wants you to enter through the back entrance and go through a set of double doors to the party. There will be someone inside to lead you."

"When did I sign up for Big Fat gypsy birthdays?" I questioned sarcastically.

She laughed. "Get going your mother has everything timed."

"When was I supposed to enter these double doors?"

"Ten minutes ago."

"Joy."I muttered dully. I turned and paced up the steps to a single wooden door that was left slightly ajar. The music got louder and some woman in some black pencil skirt and matching blazer walked to me holding a clipboard.

"Angelica Shanley?"

"Double doors, impatient mother, please don't sue, don't stress and well done for planning this out." I said quickly then followed Javier down the corridor past the kitchen and up a wooden staircase. The ceiling was painted with cupids who all I felt looked down at me with mischievious grins. "Javier. Please don't make me do this." He growled when I tried to walk back down. "Ugh fine." I bent over gripping the post at the top of the steps as my back tensed as a warning. I straightened up and kept walking.

Everything is going to be alright. Nicole probably won't show up, Blaz might not even make it if he thinks Nicole will be there, will Ranger be there? I have Lara as support, Henry will be there most definitely, Erica might be there but that will mean Blaz will to.

My spine tingled.

I kept moving, my high heels echoed onto the marble floors as I walked down a fancy white corridor with roman pillars and at the end were the white double doors guarded by male angel statues. They seemed to stare at me intensly though they had no eyes.

Too far.

Sally took this all too far.

What about my back?

Every bad thought swirled into my mind and once I reached the doors I shook them away. "Fuck it."


Yes a short chapter don't be hating on me! But something very important is going to happen on this night. 

We're slowly coming close to the end. EEEEEEEEEEEK!

The feels X(

So leave a vote, leave a comment check out some of my other stories on wattpad and stay amazing!


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