Chapter 25: Improving

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Dario POV

November 12th 1995

"Owww I can't take it! Hurry up get it out!" Tamika yelled

"Push harder Ms.Williams, I see the head! One more push"

Tamika screamed while giving one more big push to get our new child out. The baby cried, the doctors did thier procedure, wrapped her up and put her in my arms.


Its been a hour since Tamika had our daughter, her mother and our son sat in he room with us. I held her and looked deeply in her big brown eyes, she looked just like me.

"Dario, can I hold her now. You've had her the longest" Tamika said

"Dang girl, hold on!"

Tamika laughed "your hoggin' her, what do you wanna name her?"

"I can name her?"

"Yes Dar, you can name your baby girl anything you want"

"Arielle Janae Sanchèz"

"That is so beautiful"

I looked down at my daughter, she had a head full of hair already, big brown eyes and deep dimples. She held on to my finger really tight as she yawned.

"Hey Ari, you daddies baby girl? Arielle? You so beautiful"

Tamika's mother stood up and picked up Dantè and smiled.

"Alright, imma go take Dantè home."

"Okay mama, come here Dani give mommy kiss"

Dantè was now one years old and talking. He was really advanced for his age already.

"Bye ma ma!" He gave Tamika a kiss and start running out the door and Tamika's mother stopped him.

"Aren't you gonna say good bye to your daddy and baby sister? Go say bye to daddy" she laughed

"Bye daddy!" He came over and yelled in my face, he was so hiper.

"Bye man, be good for granny, I love you"

"luh you doo! He said in his toddler voice

"Alright Mika, I'll be back tommorow. I love you"

"Love you too mommy"

"Bye Dario"

"See you later Ms.Williams"

She walked out the room and I stood up with my daughter silently sleeping in my arms.

"you still wanna hold her?"

"Just put her in her little bed, I'm tired. 11 hrs in labor is no joke"

I laid Arielle gently in the bed that was provided for her "Good thing I got here in time" I sat in the chair next to Tamika's bed.

"You seem happy"

"Yeah she's pretty, Dantè got so big"

"Yes, he is a handful. You need to come around more often"

"I will after this season"

"It's crazy watchin you on t.v every single day,"

"Yeah I know"

"How long you stayin?"

"For like 3 days"

"You can't stay for atleast a week?!"

"I got filming to do"

"You have a newborn baby , you need to stay home for a least a week or two"

"Tamika, I got to go back so I can film. What do you want me to do?! How am I going to take care of yall if I'm not workin' "

"You probably don't even have to film, your just rushing to go see Kendra"

"Here you go man, why you gotta bring her up. She has nothing to do with you, so chill. I came here to see my daughter be born, spend some time with her and Dani and dip. Not to go through this unesscecary bullshit with you"

"Yeah whatever"

"I'll be back on thanksgiving and Christmas. And I'll spend time with them ahight. You just need to chill out"

"Okay Dario"

I got one of the warm blankets that the nurse left out for us, grabbed a small pillow and sat back in the chair.

"You 'bouta sleep here with us?" She smiled

"Yes Tamika, im staying at the hospital with you"

"Aww your such a sweet baby daddy"

"Shut up"

Kendra POV

I listened to my new song I recorded yesterday "Why I Love You" my producer said it may be another big hit, this one is a ballad and I wrote some of it. I'm am finnaly 18 a grown woman and Dario is 19, he'll be 20 in a few months though. 95 have went by so fast.

Dario and I relationship, has been fine. He haven't hit me just liked he promised. Hasn't cheated or anything everything is going perfect. I haven't talked to L.T. in 9 months and I'm glad. I gave him the silent treatment after he got my ass beat. Me and my mother is talking again and she accepted the fact that I'm gonna marry Dario. Though we never set a date, maybe when spring hits, we need to start planning now. My phone rung breaking me from my I thoughts, I turned the stereo down and answered it.


"Hey ma, it's me"

"Hey boo, did she have the baby okay?"

"Yep, she's here."

"Whats her name and how many pounds is she?"

"Her name is Arielle and she's 6 pounds and 5 ounces"

"That's a pretty name, she look like you or her"

"Me of course, she got my eyes. She got a head full of hair already"

I started to think about the miscarriage I had and started to feel down "Well congratulations baby, your gonna have to bring some pictures home so I can see her"

"I will, what's wrong Kendi?"

"Nothin, why do you ask?"

"Cause you sound sad"

"No I'm just tired that's all"

"Well I gotta call you back, my moms just got here. I love you"

"I love you too baby"

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