Chapter 16: Our Baby Girl

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Dario POV

7am(East Coast)

I called a cab to come pick me up a few minutes ago and just waited at Tamika's house. She helped me folded up my clothes and packed them up. As I sat on her bed.

"When are you coming back?"

"Soon mama" I said as I grabbed her waist and shd leaned her body in between my legs. "Yo fine ass need stop playin' and come back to L.A."

"No, I'm Brooklyn til I die baby. L.A. ain't all that good anyway"

"So what's up with that nigga Tre, Dre? What ever the fuck his name is?"

"His name is Jay, and imma cut his ass loose soon"

"Oh I thought he put it down better than me though, he gotta bigger sack than me too"

She laughed "I was just playin, I was just trying to make your jealous ass mad. Me and him haven't even done nothin' yet"

"Yet? Y'all better not do shit"

She rolled her eyes and walked away from me.

"What's wrong?"

"Dar, I'm not about to do this with you"

"Do what?"

"You know what, I love you Dario, but im not side chick material and you know that. I refuse to let you play games with me, I don't share when it comes to the man I love. You have to choose between me and her. And I'm sure it's going to be her, but im okay with that" she said as she looked down at the carpet.

I walked up to her and rubbed her chin "Mika, I know I'm a dog and I know I do some foul shit to you, but I do love you and I--"

"Do you wanna be with me?"

I didn't respond

"Exactly, Dario I'm not mad. Be with her, it's cool ahight. Let's just be over"

"I love you I'm not ready to let you go"

"Stop Dario, just stop. You haven't even been with Kendra for a year and you already cheatin'. She really likes you, you can't put her through the same shit I went through. I'm ready to move on"

"But I wanna be a family Mi!"

"No you don't! Just chill ahight, go be with her" she started to get frustrated "We need to go our separate ways, I want to see someone else anyway"

"Fine! Fine! If that's what you want, than ahight"

"I still love you though" she said

I lifted her chin up and frenched kissed her. Than I went over to Dantè, he was sound asleep so I kissed him on the forehead.

"Ahight I'm out, call me if you need anything."

"Okay Dario"

I walked out her apartment and continued to waited for my cab.


I arrived back in California in four hours, time zones changed so it was 5am. I caught a cab back to my crib and walked into my apartment. Brian was sitting on the couch watching re runs of Good Times and eating a Hungry Man breakfast.

"What's up B?"

"Nothin', why you back so early?"

"Kendra havin' contrac--" I forgot I didn't tell him she was pregnant so I just left that alone. "I ain't wanna stay in BK too long. What you doin' up so early?"

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