Chapter 17: Fool

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1 month later
December 1994

Dario POV

I sat in my room and rolled up a blunt. I never really smoke but with the things I be going through, why not? I started licking it to keep it together and my phone rung. I picked it up.



"Yeah who this?"


"Oh wassup ma?"

"Dar, guess what?"


"I'm pregnant"

My eyes I got big "It's mine right?"

"What do you mean is it yours? Who else would it be?"

"I'm just sayin cause you said you wanted to see new niggas, but okay how far along are you?"

"A month...I just found out yesterday, im due on November 13th of next year"

"Oh okay"

"You don't sound happy?"

"I mean....I wasn't planning on getting you pregnant"

"Well you should've never man handled me and pinned me down the couch then" she laughed "When is Kendra due again?"

"She was suppose to be due on her birthday which is in April, but she had a miscarriage"

She stayed quiet for a moment "I'm sorry to hear that Dar, when you comin' back home. Imma need you here when the baby comes."

"You just need to move back out here, I'll get you a place"

"No Dar, I'm not trying to get back with you...your just the father of my children nothing more"

I took a deep breath "ahight, imma come back out there for soon, I gotta go I love you"

"Ok bye Dario" she hung up the phone.

I put my hands over my head, I can't believe I got her pregnant. I'm not too sure how I'm going to exsplain all this to Kendra. But I'll figure out soon.

Kendra POV

Season two is now over, so now I'm just focusing on my album. I've still been depressed after having the miscarriage but I'll be fine. I haven't talked to my mom in a month, and it's been hard. I'm not use to not talking her...she'll eventually get over it though. I walked in the studio, and a whole lot of engineers were in there. I greeted everyone and took off my coat. I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I turned around and it was L.T.

"Hey L.T, I thought you were in Newyork. What are you doing here?" I smiled

"Well we just wrapped up the movie, so I'm back home and I'm just here in the studio to catch up with my boy Dame. You here to record?"

"Yeah, I'm sure your glad to be home its cold on the east coast"

"Yes it is, I was freezing my ass off there."

"So when is the movie coming out"



A half an hour went by, and I was recording one of my songs "Keep Watchin' ". I looked at L.T through the glass window inside of the booth. He was gazing at me but I didn't pay him any mind.

After two hours I finished two songs, I gathered all my stuff so I can leave, putting my note books neatly in purse. L.T grabbed my coat.

"Here let me help you"he said as he put my coat on for me.

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