Stressed Out Nessa

Start from the beginning

She rolled her eyes. "Sure you do." 

"What do you want me to do then?" He leaned against her car. 

Nessa frowned at his body against her car. "First you can get off my car." She pulled his arms and shoved him away. 

"So violent. " He pouted.

She ignored him as she sat inside her car, quickly starting the engine so she could start on making the center pieces and with one more glare directed to Eric she sped off. 


While Nessa's apartment was filled with picture frames, decorations and music she sighed with frustration while she worked on the centerpieces which were picture frames with adorable pictures with Will and Lillian. Nessa was never organized but it was never to this extent, there was so much clutter and it bother her but no matter how much she tried to clean up she ended up messing it up anyway. 

As she continued to work, the door opened with Eric walking in with his Debbie. 

"Young, mom and I brought you dinner." He presented to her a Mcdonalds paper bag and a drink with a cheeky smile on his face. 

Nessa looked up from her work with a suspicious look on her face. "Really?" She cocked an eyebrow, hesitating to grab the food. 

He nodded. 

"You didn't poison it or anything?" She slowly reached for the bag and drink. 

"I'm sure he didn't, sweetie." Debbie answered, rearranging the mess on the couch so she could sit down. 

She looked like she was still healing but with a certain glow that made her look much better,  she was eager to do everything with Eric. Nessa couldn't help but admire her. Her dark brown hair was pulled into a low neat bun while her thin body was covered by a large dark grey cardigan that was over a simple black dress. 

"Hi Debbie." Nessa greeted with a smile, taking the bag and drink from Eric's hand and placing it on the coffee table in front of her. 

She smiled back. "Hello dear." 

"I've got to drop off mom back at home in a couple of minutes, her caregiver would freak." Eric explained to Nessa, sitting onto the floor across from her. 

She nodded, going back to her work. 

Eric sat there and looked around the apartment, observing the mess around the living room. He looked back at her and noticed how stressed she looked, he chewed on his bottom lip and felt a bit guilty for not doing as much. He caught his mother looking at him with a knowing look, she wanted him to start helping Nessa. 

He let out a sigh. "Hey Young." 

"Yup?" She replied, her focus still on the center pieces.

"Let me help you." He told her, picking a picture from a pile and an empty picture frame. 

"Finally!" She exclaimed with sarcasm. 

He rolled his eyes and continued to work while humming to the song that played throughout the apartment.

"Have you told the groomsmen to get haircuts yet?" Nessa asked, glancing up to look at Eric.

He bite down on bottom lip and chuckled. "Well...No."

She let out a loud groan. "Did you at least pack a wedding-day emergency kit?"

"A what?" He cocked an eyebrow with confusion.

Nessa fumed with impatience, her focus back on the favors she had to finish so she could do what Eric was supposed to do.

Minutes past and Eric stood up. "Alright ma, let's get going."

Nessa stood up and made her way towards Debbie, helping her slowly get up. "Bye Debbie, it was nice seeing you." She gushed, hugging her gently.

"It was nice seeing you too, honey." She smiled, hugging her back. "I'm sorry that my son is such a jerk."

Eric frowned at his mother. "That's mean, ma. I'm so nice."

Debbie giggled then rolled her eyes, pulling away from Nessa and linking her arm with Eric.

"Bye young." Eric shouted as they both made their way to the door.

"Are you not coming back?" She asked.

But the door had already shut and Nessa was left alone with more work to do by herself.


Hours past and Nessa ended up laying on the carpeted floor with an exhausted look on her face, there were dark circles under her eyes and her hair was mess in a bun. She closed her eyes and slowly began to drift off, a loud yawn left her lips.

Suddenly the door was opened and Eric walked in. "Alright, get up!"

She remained on the floor with her eyes closed. "Screw off, Hamilton."

He rolled his eyes and bent down, lifting her up easily bridal style.

Her eyes shot open and immediately began to squirm. "Put me down." She demanded as she glared at him.

Eric ignored her and picked up a pair of sandals that were beside the door then without any struggled of carrying a squirming body he closed the door behind and locked it as he left with Nessa.

"Where are we going?" She asked, confusion plastered on her face. "I still have things to finish! Put me down."

With a couple of odd looks from people that walked by Eric continued to walk ignoring all the complaints Nessa was grumbling.

She finally gave up and shut her mouth.

Finally Eric got to his car, setting Nessa down abruptly which made her fall on her butt.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed, glowering at Eric who was already walking to the drivers side.

She got up and pulled the car door open roughly, slamming it loudly once she got in. She fasten her seat belt and crossed her arms over her chest like a child.

Eric tossed the sandals at her feet and buckled himself in, smirking at her childish attitude.

"Where are we going?" She asked once again.

He sighed, pulling out of his parking spot and speeding away.  "It's a surprise." 

"It better not waste my time."

"I promise." He glanced over at her with a cheeky grin.

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