But before I could continue, her phone started ringing.

-Fuck! - Lauren let out, showing her total annoyance at the interruption.

Lauren looked at me as if she was apologizing with her gaze, and I just nodded getting out of her lap so that the woman could stop that noise once and for all. I thought about who could be calling at this hour and ended up distracting myself with the view that I had just witnessed.

I stood up grabbing Lauren's sweatshirt and putting it on, since Lauren had taken the blanket with her, and I couldn't thank more for it. Lauren stopped in front of the large glass window, in the same way she had yesterday night, watching the rain fall, but this time a beautiful sun was shining outside. The rays of sunlight that passed through the window gave Lauren an angelical air and she was able to look even more beautiful, if that's even possible, of course. With her messy hair and the blanket covering her only from the waist down, leaving all my fingernail marks, that screamed in contrast with her pale skin, showing. I remembered a song of Lana that fitted perfectly in that moment:

''Oh that grace, oh that body,

Oh that face, makes me wanna party.

She's my Sun,

She makes me shine like diamonds.''

I hummed in thought looking at her, who seemed to be sad with the conversation.

I went towards her without her noticing and hugged her from behind, feeling her sweet perfume invade my nostrils. I felt her muscles relax in my arms. I put her hair to the side and leaned my head on her shoulder, and just stood there, looking at the large garden outside.

-It's beautiful, right?

-What? - I asked confused.

I hadn't even noticed that Lauren had finished the call.

-The garden, Camz! It's beautiful. In what world are you? - she asked with a gaze a bit vague.

-In our world. - I spoke very close to her ear, pecking her ear, and her hairs soon stood on end.

We stood in silence for a few more minutes, when she finally spoke.

-I received a call from Taylor.

Lauren was silent again, and I knew that something was wrong.

-My dad is really bad, he worsened since the last time we were there. Each day that goes by he gets worse.

Silence. It was what was happening in that moment.

-You know, Camila, my greatest fear is that one day he doesn't recognize us anymore, that he doesn't recognize me anymore. But I know it's inevitable, one day he will wake up and life will play a trick on all of us, at once, and it scares me...

Lauren was opening up, like the first time we were at her parents' house, but this time it's was worse, I knew of her pain, and I shared it. I wanted to hug her and protect her from it all, but I couldn't because I needed her to protect me as well. But while we were there in our world, it could happen, so I just held her tightly against my body as if I could transfer all of her pain to me with that hug, and she realized it because she relaxed more and continued to speak.

-He's my hero, Camz, if I am where I am is because of him. If I am who I am is because he taught me so, he made me the woman I am today, and I owe it all to him.

Silence made itself present again, I couldn't say anything, she didn't need that now, she just wanted someone to listen to her, and it was what I was doing. She sighed heavily and shrank more in my arms, even though I was shorter than her, somehow I felt capable of keeping us in our bubble, at least for a while. At least this moment I felt capable.

The Stripper (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now