Chapter 6|Go hug a cactus you asshole

Start from the beginning

"With a bobby pin,"I answered.

"What the fuck is a bobby pin?"Justin wondered aloud.

"It's a hair clip thing,"Kyle replied.

"How do you know that? Do you wear them?"Justin smirked.

"I have three sisters, dipshit,"Kyle said, dragging a hand down his face in annoyance.

I laughed quietly at the exchange between the two.

"So you're a badass and a perv. That's an odd combo, luckily for you we seem to share that combination, Sunshine,"Ryan whispered in my ear.

I shivered at his close proximity and the coolness of his breath. My cheeks stained red, but I had no idea what he meant.

He had the thing about me being a badass completely wrong for a start, plus I was not a perv, well not really.

Fortunately the rest of the guys seemed unaware of our exchange. I brushed off his comment and listened into Lee and Justin's conversation. They were debating on who was hotter-Stella, one of Erika's cronies, or Annie.

"Dude! Have you seen Stacys boobs, they're like two fucking beach balls,"Justin exclaimed.

"Yeah but Annie's legs man, can't get past those legs.."Lee replied dazedly, as if he was visualising her legs.

I glanced over at Kyle, who seemed disgusted, looking away from the two as though they were complete strangers. Ryan looked thoroughly amused, a half smirk permanently etched on his face.

"Nah, boobs overrule legs. Legs aren't really good for anything, with boobs you can-"

"Feed babies,"I cut in, filling the space where something that I didn't want to hear was about to be said.

Both Justin and Lee turned to me with confused looks.

"You know because babies drink milk....never mind,"I mumbled.

"What's your view on the topic, sunshine?"


"Boobs or legs?"Ryan asked, staring intently.

I thought about it. "Well I have both,"I replied,"And legs have proven most useful so far."

"See, I told ya!"Lee whooped, slamming his fist down on the desk in front of him. He was definitely thinking of legs in a different context than I was.

I rolled my eyes. How old was he, five?

"Sorry about them,"Kyle said, nudging my arm,"they're not housetrained yet."

I cracked a smile. "You just need to keep them on a tighter leash."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Why is it that the only day I'm not at school, all the exciting shit happens!"Tara whined, stomping her feet.

"I wouldn't call it exciting,"I muttered.

"It is fucking exciting!"Tara yelled, attracting more attention than she intended to.

"Shh, you're louder than Jasmine on Christmas morning."

"Sorry, sorry,"she replied, a little quieter than before,"but you can't deny how exciting this is."

"Remind me why I should be so excited again,"I said, hoisting my bag strap further onto my shoulder.

"Well firstly,"she said, slamming her locker and grabbing ahold of my arm, dragging me towards the cafeteria. "You practically shamed the two most hated people in the school, on the same freaking day. Congrats on that, by the way. Then at lunch you sat with Ryan Martinez and his group. Not only that, but they invited you to sit with them. If the Queen of England was here I don't think she would get an invite, so girl that means something."

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