Chapter 1

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I pushed my glasses onto my face, and I held my phone in my hand with a picture of Thomas, my future roomate.

My hair was sitting in a messy bun, with a big black sweater with the word 'bullsh*t' written on it. And I had a dark denim pair of shorts on, and two heavy suitcases in my hands.

Someone then grabbed my arm, I looked to see a tall man with his hood on and a pair of sunglasses framing his face.

"It's me, Tom." he then said making me smile.

"Oh great, I couldn't find you at all." I said making him smile.

"Let me help you with your suitcases, my car's outside." he said as he took one of my suitcases.

"Do I know you from something? You seem so familiar." I said making him chuckle.

"I'm an actor, is it weird that you seem familiar to me too." he said and I made a weird face.

"Yes, I've never seen you before. Maybe I just look like an other girl you might know." I said nervously making him nod slightly.

He then placed both my suitcases in the back of the car.

We both got into the car, and he started driving while I was just awkwardly playing with my hands.

"You aren't that much of a talker, are you?" he then asked making me blush.

"English is my second language, I'm afraid I'll screw up." I said making him chuckle.

"Do you think I would mind if you'd screw up?" he asked and I nodded shyly.

"I wouldn't mind, on a scale from 1 to 10 how good are you?" he asked making me nervously play with my fingers again.

"6. Maybe 7." I replied and he nodded.

"Are you into Shakespeare?" he then asked and I made a questioning face.

"What's Shakespeare?" I asked confused and he gasped loudly.

"Romeo and Julliet? Have you never heard of that?" he asked but I shook my head.

"No." I said shortly and he sighed.

"Am I dissapointing you?" I asked but he heavily shook his head.

"No, no, no! Of course not, I just think it's very cute." he said making me blush and giggle.

We then just kept silent for a while, hoping the other would say something.

We both hadn't said a word more when we were at his apartment, it was very clean, and very cool!

"Do you want me to help you unpack?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yes, that would be nice." I said and he took my suitcases in his hands as he started walking.

I silently followed him, and I felt him looking back at me.

"So this will be your room, it's still boring but maybe you could paint it or something." he said as we walked into a room with light grey walls and a huge bed in the middle of the room.

"I like it." I said and he smiled.

"By the way, I gave you the room with the walk in closet. But we do have to share a bathroom, with shower, sink, bath and some mirrors and stuff." he said and I nodded.

"I'm okay with that. Can you help me put my clothes in the...uhm...what was it called again?" I asked making him chuckle.

"Closet? I think you mean closet." he said and I nodded before opening one of my suitcases.

Tom started with my other suitcase, and I put some of my many sweaters on some hooks.

"Uhm, where do you want your bras?" he then asked making me giggle.

"On one of the shelves." I said and he started doing as I said.

"Hey, is this your family?" he asked holding up a picture of my family.

"Yes." I said as I took the picture from my grasp.

"Your family is pretty big then." he said and I nodded.

"I know, three boys and four girls." I said and he nodded with big eyes.

"How old are you by the way?"he asked making me grin.

"Why so curious?" I asked and he sighed.

"It's only basic information." he said and I nodded.

"I'm 22, and you?" I asked and he turned to me.

"26." he said shortly before starting with my clothes again.

"I need your help tomorrow." I said shortly and he raised his eyebrows.

"What do you need my help for?" he asked and I quickly smiled.

"I need to find a dance-school. I like to dance to get rid of stress." I said making him chuckle.

"Rid of stress?! Dancing can be really stressfull when you do it for sport!" he exclaimed and I crossed ny arms.

"It does not, it also helped your....body language? I don't know the word...uhm...posture! It also helps your posture." I said but he then also crossed his arms and firmly stood in front of me.

"Ballet?" he questioned and I nodded calmly.

"Can you do the freaky leg thing?" he then asked in disbelief making me giggle.

I then grabbed my foot and placed it above my head.

"I really don't know how you do that..." he said making me giggle.

I gently put my foot down again and he still looked amazed.

"You are amazing, I'm impressed." he said but I made a questioning face.

"What does that mean?" I asked making him chuckle.

"I think it is a talent of yours to be flexible, I am amazed by it." he said and I nodded understanding.

"Well, thank you then." I said and he smiled at me.

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