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Casey ( CaseyDavidson02 ) wrote this part!!

Alison -ok Clary you ask....(gives hat to Casey)

Me-hmmm lets see ok Clary you ask Tessa a truth or dare and same rules apply and for the record we aren't crazy maybe just crazy awesome *winks then leaves*

Alison-*rolls eyes and follows her*

Jace- yep they're crazy

Clary-Tessa truth or dare


Uriah-god there is a lot of pansycakes here

Four-don't make me come over there Uriah

Magnus-ummm what's a Pansycake?!


Tobias-*rolls eyes*

Clary- ok Tessa who is more sexier Jem or Will?

Tessa-I can't decide they both are

Clary- yea but which one is MORE sexier then the other!

Tessa-hmmmm I can't decide *takes of sock* *leans over to Jem and whispers* you are


Tessa-*looks real quick and leans over to will and whispers* you totally are more sexy then him *winks*

Will-*smiles uncontrollably*

Me and Alison-*pop in* by the way we know every thing and will not be afraid to use it against you *looks at Tessa*

Alison-*walk out*

Me-*grin evilly* so you better watch what u do and say we know everything about you and also Jace watch your mouth it can get you into "CRAZY" trouble around here *smiles and walks out*


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Truth or Dare: TMI, TID, and DiverentWhere stories live. Discover now