59 7 5

I wrote this part.
And just FYI Idk what was going through my mind when I wrote it.
But I like 5SOS and I include them in this chapter so don't judge!
Okay? Okay -Ali

Casey and Uriah appear

Casey- ok since Ali and Jem are on a date, I guess it's Christina's turn! *kisses Uriah then leaves*

Uriah blushes

Christina- ok William, truth or dare?

Will- dare

Christina- I dare you to sing a part of your favorite song

Will- uhh.. Ok

My girlfriend is bitchin cause I always sleep in
She's always screamin when she's callin her friends,
But she's kinda hot tho,
Yeah she's kinda hot tho.

She put me on meds,
She won't get out of my head,
She's kinda hot tho,
Yeah she's kinda hot tho.

Everyone- YOU LIKE 5SOS?!?

Will-*blushes* uhh.. Yeah..

Magnus- OMG! Me too! Luke, Ashton, and Calum are so hot!!! Like DAYUM!!

Alec- Ashton is my favorite! His arms are just so muscular and hot!

Izzy- I like Luke better!

Tessa- I like C--

Casey appears


Tessa- Calum....

I appear

Me- oh so you have the hots for my man?!?

Tessa- but you have Jem!

Me- so?!? I'm dating Jem!
I just like Calum!! It's not like I am cheating on him with Calum! I just have a crush on him!

Casey holds me back from breaking her nose

Casey- woah Ali! Calm down!

Me- what? Why? That bitch totally took that to far!

Casey- just got back to your date and I'll do something with her. Okay? Do not say okay, cause okay will not by our always!

Me- gah ok! Bye! * I vanish*

Casey- ok Tessa, go sit in the closet for 4 hours!!!

Tessa walks over to the closet silently cursing casey, when she is inside you lock the door

Casey- well since that's over, I'm going to watch a movie, so let's go uriah!

Casey and Uriah leave

Jace- who is 5 es-oh-es?

Clary- ITS 5-SAUCE!!

Jace-geez woman I get it!


Ok I hate this part lol

And if you want another update ask Casey it's her turn to write it! Her username is CaseyDavidson02 so if you want an update go blow up her notifications lol


Truth or Dare: TMI, TID, and Diverentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें