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I wrote this part!!! -Ali
Me casey and Jem appear again

*i still look like a lost puppy*

Casey- ok, since she still looks like a lost puppy and Jem is still confused, I will draw a name from the hat, ok now Izzy has to ask someone truth or dare!
Bye for now! *me casey and Jem vanish again*

Tessa- I dislike Alison!

Tori- just cause you are jealous!

Tessa- am not!

Tori- are to!

Casey- shut up or I will put both of you in time out! *vanishs*

Uriah- wow! Casey will be a great mom to our kids!

Zeke- Uriah did you say "our" kids? As meaning you want her to have your kids?

Uriah- *blushes* whaat?! Did I say that out loud?

Simon- yep you said it out loud bro.

Izzy- anyway! Uriah truth or dare?

Uriah- dare! I ain't no pansycake!

Izzy- ok then I dare u to confess your love for casey then kiss her on the lips!

Uriah- I'm down with dat!

Jace- *Yells* CASEY AND ALISON!!!!

Me- what now?!

Jace- Uriah..

Uriah- umm.. Casey.

Casey- yep that's my name!

Uriah- Casey I think I love you!

Casey-*blush* Really?!

Uriah- yep. *Leans in and kisses her*

*they both pull away blushing*

Me- aww my wittle baby casey Is all grown up! *wipes away fake tear*

Casey- shut up! I will fucking Beat the hell out of you!

Me- well that is mine and James' cue to leave! *i grab Jems hand and vanishs*

Tessa- were they just holding hands?!?!

Casey- yes! Are you blind or something? Anyway bye Uriah! *leaves a blushing Uriah*

Four- aww Zeke look uri is blushing because of a girl!!!

Zeke- *white girl voice* ERM ME GERD! THAT IS TOTES ADORBS!!

Tris- they are so weird!


Mine are not funny at all lol.

Well anyways


-Ali ➰➰

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