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I wrote this part! And sorry about not updating I was rereading clockwork prince!! -Ali (CJ is Casey sorry if it confuses you!!)

Me and Casey appear

Me- *whispers* woah! CJ look at Jem! He looks so sexy without a shirt on!! *fangirls and giggles*

Casey-*whispers* yeah he does. And was Will really his first kiss? Do you think it happened the way we read on Wattpad?

Me-*whispers* yeah, he told me. And I really hope so!!!

Tori- what are you guys whispering about?

Me- ummmm. *sneaks a peek at Will and Jem* nothing

Casey- yeah... Anyway Jem ask someone truth or dare.

Me- I thought I would be nice today and say bye to everyone so... Bye everyone! *then I vanish*

Casey- yeah. I'm not nice so.... Bye Uriah!!!! *vanishes*

Jem-*looks up from the phone I gave him blushing* ummm..... Peter, truth or dare?

Peter- dare

Uriah- *whispers* woah I thought that Peter was a pansycake!

Tris- me too Uri, me too....


Uriah- ummmmm.... How 'bout no Scott.

Magnus- Scott? As in Woosley Scott?

Uriah- who? And no.

Jem- anyway, Peter, I dare you to
Kiss who you like in this room.

Peter- ok.... *gets up and walks over to Caleb and kisses him, but when he goes to pull away Caleb kisses him back*

Tris- since when is my bro gay? Not that I have anything against it but woah

Caleb- woah........................ Peter, do you wanna go on a date after Casey and Alison let us out of here?

Peter- sure. *then they sit by each other holding hands*

Me and Casey pop in

Me- what happened here? *looks down at phone and says* oh.. Ok. I know why now.

Casey- why are Peter and Caleb holding hands?

Me- well Jem dared Peter to kiss who he liked so he kissed Caleb and now when we let them out, not happening anytime soon if I might add, are going a date.

Casey- oh ok. That makes sense now. Lol

Me- ok. So CJ and uri. I do believe that you two have a date today.

Casey- oh yeah, Uriah, wanna leave now?

Uriah- yes please!!

They vanish holding hands

Me,four, and zeke- aww my wittle baby is all grown up!!

Tris- oh no. They have got Alison in on It too!

Everyone looks at us like we are dumb.


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And it was Casey's idea for Peter and Caleb to kiss so u can thank her is you want to!!

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