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I wrote this part! So it wont be funny lol and it's a short part but the next part continues from this one!! -Ali

Me and casey appear laughing

Me- hello

Zeke- what's so funny?

Casey- inside joke..

Me-*whispers* Bagel Bites!

Casey starts laughing

Everyone else looks confused

Me- ok. Tori ask someone truth or dare

Casey- and make it good please, I wanna laugh!

Then we leave

Tori- ok... Tessa, truth or dare?

Tessa- dare

Tori-*smiles evilly* I dare you to jump off into the chasm!

Zeke- LOL

Me and casey appear

Me- I gotta see this!!!

Casey- I brought the popcorn!

Me- yay!

Tessa- well I guess I better go then. *vanishes to the Dauntless Compound*

Me- do you think she did it?

Casey- I hope so.

Tessa's body appears

Will-*runs to her* is she alive?

Me- nope

Casey- should we bring her back to life?

Me-ummmm let's vote. Nay or yay?

We hear a couple of nays but more yays

Me- dang!

Casey-*brings Tessa back to life* well I will miss the silence now. *then she vanishes*

Me- me too... *then I vanish*

Everyone from Divergent- that was a good dare tori!

Tori- thanks!

Tessa- did I die?!?!?


ok that sucked!!

Anyways please vote and comment!


Truth or Dare: TMI, TID, and DiverentKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat