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Me- ok ok. Listen up!

*everyone is still talking*

Casey- you are doing it wrong.

Me- doing what wrong?

Casey- just watch and learn. SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN!!!!!!

*everyone's face looks like this o.O*

Me- thanks. Ok now I will put names in this hat and Casey will pick one name out. * hands casey the hat*

Casey- ok, Magnus, ask someone a truth or dare.

Me- ok we are leaving, so y'all can play the game. Peace.

*me and Casey vanish*

Magnus- well ok then. Clary truth or dare?

Clary- truth.....

Uriah- PANSYCAKE!!!!!

Four- shut up uriah!!

Me-* pops back in* if you don't answer or do a truth or dare you have to take of a piece of clothing, socks and shoes don't count! *leaves again*

Jace- is it just me or are Casey and Alison crazy?

Everyone- they are crazy.

Magnus- ok Biscuit,  who is the better kisser Simon or Jace?

Tessa- biscuit?

Clary- sorry Simon but Jace is the better kisser.

Simon-  well thank for the confidence boost fray.

Jace- her last name isn't fray, Simon!

Simon- well I'm still used to calling her fray. So what should I call her? Morgenstern?

Jace- (mumbles) call her Herondale.... (Says louder) yep that should work, Simon.


Hi! My name is Alison! Or Ali for short, call me what you like! Well I wrote this part. And I think I wrote the next part. (Me and casey have wrote like 19 parts to this already!!) so if Casey has wrote the next part I will tell you at the top!!!

Vote and Comment PLEASE!!

~Ali ❤️

Truth or Dare: TMI, TID, and DiverentWhere stories live. Discover now