Chapter 7

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Piper was sitting opposite me in the back of the truck. "Everything okay?"

I looked up. Oh, right. She was talking to me. I nodded.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"Uh, home," I said. She nodded thoughtfully for a moment, before turning to face me, looking serious.

"You said you read about quests of ours in those books of yours. Have you read this quest?"

"No, this isn't written. I mean, I'm here, it can't be."

"Oh. So you don't know what's gonna happen and stuff?" I shook my head. "Well, what quests have you read?" The others were listening now; they had all stopped their separate conversations.

"Well, the first series of five, was just from when Percy joined camp all the way to the battle of Manhattan. Then there's a sequel series, which starts with you three arriving," I said, pointing to Leo, Jason and Piper, "with you having lost your memory," I looked toward Jason. "Then in the second book we're introduced to Hazel and Frank, and the whole thing with Percy's memory loss too. That series took us through to when you defeated Gaia."

"Right. So you know all the important stuff then?" Jason said.

"Yeah, and a few smaller quests too, in other books out of the series." We grew into a comfortable silence, until the van slowed to a halt, and the engine went dead.

"Where even are we? Where do we even start?" I thought aloud. Argus opened the doors and we clambered out. I laughed. What a sight we looked, nine children climbing out of the back of a van.

"Where are we?" I asked Argus. Then my mouth dropped open. It was my school.

"What. The. Hell. This is my school! How is that possible?"

"Hell?" Nico questioned, confused.

"Oh. Right, yeah. Whatever," I said dismissively. "This is my school! In my world!"

"You sure?" Jason asked.

"Yes! How does that work?" I demanded of Argus. He shrugged and shook his head.

"So have people been attacked from here then? That's why we're here?" Piper asked. Argus nodded.

"Well let's go inside," Percy announced. I led them through the front doors. Oh, gods. This was the same building. How?

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